5 Ingredients to Add to Pizza That Aren’t “Glue”

The homemade pizza you spent all day making is finally ready to eat. The sauce, cheese, herbs and spices all smell amazing, and it looks perfectly cooked. You cut into it carefully, ready to get an Instagram-worthy slice, and… the cheese slides right off.

It’s easy to turn to the internet for a quick solution the next time you light a fire in the oven. But recently AI responses have become more and more popular with their unconventional, vulnerable Approach: Adding gum to pizza sauce To stick the cheese.

MyFitnessPal RD Joanna Gregg has some very simple and easy to follow advice on this topic:

“Do not eat glue,

How to prevent cheese from sliding off pizza

Adhesives aside, Greg gives us some great tips on how to keep your cheese on your pizza instead of on your plate.

“Make sure your sauce is not too thin or watery; cook it until it thickens.

Also, “wait to cut your pizza until the cheese has cooled slightly so it sticks to the crust better!”

Are you still looking for some ingredients or toppings that can add that extra “wow” factor to your pizza, without having to head to the craft store?

5 RD-approved ingredients to put on your pizza

1. mushroom

  • nutritional benefits: “A good source of B vitamins, potassium and selenium.”
  • Benefits of cooking“Mushrooms on pizza add a great flavor and texture without adding a lot of calories.”
  • Recommended recipe, Portobello Pesto Pizza

2. Roasted bell peppers, Broccoli, Cauliflower or other vegetables

  • nutritional benefits: “A good source of vitamins, minerals and fibre.”
  • Benefits of cooking: “Vegetables are a great way to spice up your pizza by including healthy ingredients that add a ton of flavor!”
  • Recommended recipe, Cast-Iron Broccoli and Ricotta Pizza

3. arugula Or spinach

  • nutritional benefits: “It is rich in antioxidants, fibre, vitamins and minerals, and it adds heft to the pizza.”
  • Benefits of cooking: “Add it towards the end of cooking so it softens a bit and gets crispy just right.”
  • Recommended recipe, Easy 5-Ingredient Tortilla Pizza

4. Cock

  • nutritional benefits: “A good source of lean protein!”
  • Benefits of cooking“Try substituting higher-fat sausage or pepperoni for a lower-fat, higher-protein pizza.”
  • Recommended recipe: BBQ Chicken Pizza with Fresh Jalapenos

5. Eggs

  • nutritional benefits: “Provides complete proteins.”
  • Benefits of cooking: “Cook an overeasy egg and mix it with sauce and cheese. It tastes great!”

AI chatbot and nutrition advice deal

As the pizza-glue incident shows (and stone eating incident), AI chatbots are still not perfect. Real people with real qualifications are your best bet for all your nutrition and food-related queries.

If you’re ready to take charge of your nutrition, There are over 2,000 recipes on MyFitnessPal, Which includes some healthier pizza!
