7 of the Best Foods for Gut Health, According to a Gastroenterologist

Good gut health is essential for overall health—it affects digestion, immunity to diseaseEven more mental health, And, no matter what your weight or health goals are, understanding how to support your digestive system with a healthy diet can be a game-changer.

According to Dr. Janice Laster, gastroenterologist and scientific advisor for MyFitnessPal, what you eat plays a big role in determining your gut health. The best foods for gut health may help it thrive (more on that in a minute!), while others may cause harm.

What’s the fastest way to improve gut health?

First things first: not everyone needs this Improvement Gut health-If you eat a balanced diet, varied diet, your tummy might already be growling! But maintaining gut health requires a healthy dose of consistency. And if you’re concerned about your gut health, there are some symptoms you can look out for.

“Symptoms may vary from person to person but some include chronic fatigue, skin problems, mood disturbances, autoimmune conditions, bowel disturbances and even unintentional weight loss or gain. It is always important to work with a health care professional for appropriate evaluation and treatment,” says Dr. Laster.

Yours gut microbiome-All—including good and bad bacteria—balance each other and lead to good health. But sometimes this balance gets disturbed. only then you can get infections and other gut health conditions. When starting your gut health journey, it’s important to remember that it’s not an overnight fix. You have to be in it for the long game.

“Focus on improving your diet,” says Dr. Lester. “Eat more fiber, stay hydrated, and limit processed foods and alcohol. It is also important to manage your stress, exercise frequently, and get enough sleep.

If this seems like a lot, don’t worry! You don’t have to change everything at once to get a healthy gut microbiome. Instead, choose one (or two) of Dr. Lester’s top gut-friendly foods to add to your diet, then build on them over time.

Bonus: We created a gut health nutrition plan in collaboration with Dr. Lester. It is available for free MyFitnessPal app On 14 May 2024.

Here are seven food categories that Dr. Laster recommends when incorporating gut-friendly foods into your diet.

1. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt has a high concentration friendly bacteriaAlso known as probiotics.

“Probiotics are living organisms that help break down food more efficiently nutrient absorption, and promotes a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut,” explains Dr. Lester. “Because of this, they may help strengthen the digestive system and improve or maintain gut health.”

Greek yogurt can be enjoyed as a stand-alone snack or as an ingredient in various dishes, both savory and sweet. Consider a drizzle of honey for natural sweetness and a sprinkle of nuts for that satisfying crunch and boost of healthy fats.

2. Stomach-friendly spices

Many spices are not only delicious, but they are also good for your gut.

These also include all stomach friendly spices polyphenolswhich are compounds that help prevent cell damage – support the health of your gut lining – and may also help fight pathogens Like bad bacteria.

3. Whole grains like quinoa and oats

Whole grains are rich in dietary fiber, which is considered EastBiotics and act as a source of fuel To the beneficial bacteria that live in your gut.

“Unlike probiotics, which are living organisms, prebiotics are indigestible part “The food that reaches the large intestine is retained and fermented,” explains Dr. Lester. “They provide nutrition to the probiotic bacteria and help them grow and flourish, This symbiotic relationship supports and enhances a healthy digestive system. absorption of mineralsand contributes to immune function,

Some of the more common whole grains are whole oats, brown rice and whole wheat flour. You can find many store-bought breads and oats packed with these healthy grains. To maintain variety in your diet, include other grains like farro, spelled, and quinoa whenever possible.

Fun facts: only about 5% American Eat enough fiber. MyFitnessPal Makes it easy to track your daily fiber intake and get closer to healthy goals!

4. Beans

Like whole grains, legumes — think: lentils, peas, chickpeas, beans and peanuts — are a rich source of dietary and prebiotic fiber.

Most of the prebiotic fiber comes from legumes. resistant starch,

“Your upper GI tract can’t break down these starches,” says Dr. Lester. “Instead, they reach the large intestine – also known as your colon – completely intact and are used fuel source By beneficial bacteria.”

If you don’t currently eat a lot of legumes, gradually add them to your diet so your digestive system can adjust to the increased fiber intake. A good starting point is about half a cup of cooked beans per day, gradually increasing the amount over time. It’s also important to drink plenty of water to help manage the effects of fiber on your digestion!

5. Miso and Tofu

Tofu and miso are fermented foods made from soybeans. These are foods natural bacteria Like lactobacillus And Bifidobacteria Species – Both of these also appear in curd. Adding fermented soybeans to your diet can boost your healthy bacteria and help support your overall gut and brain health,

Miso and tofu are just two of these gut-healthy probiotics. You may also like the health benefits of fermented soybean foods like tempeh, natto or douchi.

Gut Health Benefits of Miso MyFitnessPal

6. Nuts and seeds

Chia seeds, hemp seeds, and nuts like cashews, pine nuts, and pistachios are excellent sources Dietary Fiber and Prebiotics, This makes them perfect for your gut microbiome.

[As Dr. Laster explains, “Nuts and seeds give your intestines a healthy dose of prebiotic fiber. Your gut bacteria use this fiber to help protect the intestinal lining—among other gut benefits.”] Adding nuts and seeds to your microbiome diet gives your gut bacteria some delicious diversity. Your taste buds will thank you too.

7. Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables

Eat fruits and vegetables rich in healthy, gut-loving fiber, along with other healthy foods.

“For the best digestion, fruits should have a balance of fiber and sugar content,” says Dr. Lester. Therefore, it is better to eat the whole fruit instead of drinking alcohol. Fruit Juice,

Some excellent fiber-rich fruits include raspberries, blackberries, guavas, pears and wild blueberries.

Some vegetables rich in fiber include Brussels sprouts, artichokes, green peas, pumpkin, turnips, parsnips, peppers and mushrooms.

Fiber rich foods MyFitnessPalFiber rich foods MyFitnessPal

Finding some of the best foods for gut health can be as easy as searching the grocery store aisles. There is a colorful world of foods ready to nourish your belly and boost your health.

Use to check your progress MyFitnessPal To log your meals and track your fiber intake. You can view your fruit and vegetable intake with Weekly Insights, a useful feature to help you on your gut health journey. Now is the time to create a healthy diet!
