AI in Digital Marketing: Trends and Best Practices for 2024

AI is far past the point of being a new or emerging technology, especially in the world of digital marketing. A global survey in 2022 found that nearly 90% of marketers from 35 different countries use AI in some way or another in their digital marketing strategies.

With so many free and low-cost tools available, replacing or supplementing human marketing workflows with AI is the #1 way to (a) become more productive and (b) better understand your audience and learn how to reach them.

Trending: AI in Digital Marketing

This article describes three exciting trends and best practices for implementing AI in your organization.

1. Generative AI

Thanks to ChatGPT, Generative AI Generative AI might be the hottest topic in marketing right now. Generative AI involves using AI to create content from existing data and inputs. Examples of GenAI marketing tools include:

  • Content creation tools that use AI to write blog posts, product descriptions, and other written content
  • Software that creates branding images and video for explainer videos, social media posts, and blog graphics
  • Chatbots that interact with customers via SMS, email, or social media apps

maximum three quarters The majority of today’s marketers use some form of generative AI, whether it’s to supplement their content creation workflow or as a lead generation tool.

2. Privatisation

AI enhances personalization in marketing by pulling content and data in real-time to craft a personalized, data-driven experience for each target customer. In omnichannel, businesses can use AI to trigger personalized emails, social media messages, website popups, and even entire offers based on what the customer is browsing or has already purchased.

With the help of AI, marketers can also analyze a lot of data about customer behavior. They can use this information to develop better products, improve their targeting and messaging for future campaigns, and meet constantly changing customer demands.

3. Voice Search Optimization

Voice search has grown in popularity among consumers. Find information and make a purchase quickly Through your mobile device. Optimizing content for voice search is 100% important for businesses that want to stay relevant and accessible.

AI plays an important role in optimizing content for voice search. Businesses can use it to analyze speech patterns Natural Language Processing (NLP) To understand how people speak and what typical phrases they use when making voice queries. With this data, you can create content with a more conversational tone and structure, while including words that make it easier for voice assistants to understand.

Best Practices for Using AI in Digital Marketing

How you use AI in your workflow determines whether you create excellent marketing content that attracts customers, or mediocre content that turns them away.

  • Don’t replace humans with artificial intelligence (AI): While lower costs make it tempting to rely heavily on AI for your marketing efforts (especially content marketing), AI lacks the human ability to communicate with your target audience. Your USP, branding, and voice all come from your human writers and designers.
  • Use AI to automate marketing tasks: For example, CharGPT isn’t great for writing marketing content, but it’s capable of searching the web. Use it to cut your research time down by hours (or days).
  • Hire Industry Experts: Outsourcing your marketing efforts to a team that knows all about AI can help you implement the technology in a way that aligns with your business goals and target audience. Make sure they have practical experience in your industry (such as a Credit Union Marketing Agency for credit unions).

AI in digital marketing is no longer something speculative for the distant future. It’s a must-have for any business that wants to compete on quality, targeting, and efficiency in 2024. By staying informed about the latest trends and best practices, you can effectively incorporate AI into your marketing workflow and see tangible results.
