Beginner’s Guide to Running For Weight Loss

regular physical activity This is important for anyone trying to lose or maintain a healthy weight.

There are many things you can do that burn body fat, create a calorie deficit, and help you get in shape. The real question is: which cardiovascular exercise is best weight loss,

swimming, cycling and running These are all excellent workouts if you do them consistently. But if you enjoy running then you’re in luck, run Can be a great way to burn calories and promote weight loss. Compared to these other forms of exercise, a Study Shows that running burns more calories per mile, because it takes longer to run a mile than biking.

If you’re starting your journey to better health and considering running for weight loss, this guide will provide seven easy tips that will have you running before you know it.

Can you lose weight and belly fat by running?

Yes you can.

But keep in mind that it’s impossible to run exclusively to lose belly fat because exercise doesn’t work that way. You can do crunches all day long to strengthen your abs, but the only way to shrink your abs is to lose overall body fat, and running is a great alternative.

Of course, running is not the only effective way to lose weight. For example, this 20 minutes of high intensity interval training Can help burn calories even faster.

But if you prefer a less intense exercise level, running is a great way to do it.

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What does science say?

A decade ago, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory released a study that showed Positive relationship between running and weight loss, Recently, a Czech study of over 1,000 adult runners confirmed earlier findings, concluding that Regular running workout to lose weight Improves physical fitness. It does this by significantly reducing body fat under the skin as well as around your organs.

Translation: Jogging works for weight loss.

So, if you’re a beginner committed to losing weight by running, keep reading to learn how to start racking up miles and losing weight in no time.

6 easy tips for running to lose weight

When you’re focused on a long-term goal, the little things matter. Use these strategies to get the most out of your runs.

1. Consider different types of running and their benefits

Not all runs are created equal. So before you gear up, it would be good to know about the different types, their benefits and which one is best for beginners running for weight loss.

  • jogging: At an average pace of 4 mph to 6 mph, jogging is easy on the joints and cardiovascular system, making it perfect for beginners starting a new routine.
  • run: Over 6 mph, you’re officially racing! If you’re a beginner, it may take a few months to progress from jogging to running, but with consistency, everyone succeeds. Since running causes the heart to beat faster than jogging, it also More effective for weight loss,
  • interval running: Running between intervals of jogging or running is a more intense workout burns calories faster, Although runners at any level can benefit from interval sprinting, beginners should ease into it by keeping the frequency of these workouts in mind. no more than three days per week,
  • long distance running: Running longer distances over longer periods of time can burn more calories (a single run of 10 or more miles can). burn 1,000 calories, However, it is important that beginners adopt a long-distance exercise program gradually so that their body can adjust.
  • outside vs treadmill: Depending on preference, you can do any of the above runs outside or on a treadmill. Treadmills allow a more controlled environment for tracking your speed and distance but can make exercise dull. Running outside, on the other hand, provides a lot of visual stimulation, but it is more challenging to keep your pace consistent.

2. Eat a healthy diet to support this form of exercise

Some new runners are so focused on losing weight that they focus on losing weight Critical Refueling Mistakes — like not eating enough carbs — which could hinder their long-term goals.

That’s why the best way to lose weight through running is to combine it with a diet that supports physical activity.

  • Find the ideal pre-workout meal: Before your race, choose a light breakfast that balances carbohydrates and protein, such as a banana with peanut butter or a small portion of oatmeal. Also, avoid unnecessary discomfort by not eating anything high in fat or fiber, such as fried foods, red meat, beans, or berries.
  • Know what and when to eat after workout: Post-race nutrition is equally important. You don’t want to eat more calories than you expend right now, but you do need to fill your muscles with protein and carbohydrates to replenish energy and promote recovery.
  • Plan your meal time properly, Eating 60 to 90 minutes after workout This is when the body is most effective at replacing carbohydrates and promoting muscle growth and repair. low sugar smoothie With or without fruit and whey protein Zucchini Hummus Chicken Wrap There are two great options.

3. Start slow until you reach runner’s height

If you’ve never run before or aren’t used to regular exercise, it’s normal to be intimidated at first.

The good news is that you don’t have to start with running. First-time visitors can start by walking daily. For some people, a half-hour walk This can burn even more fat More than a thirty minute workout.

Starting slow has the added benefit of being more enjoyable and sustainable while reducing the risk of injury. As you become more comfortable and your body adjusts to the new exercise routine, you can gradually progression from walking to running,

Once you start running regularly, there’s something else to look forward to.

You’ve probably heard about the euphoric feeling caused by the release of endorphins and neurochemicals in the brain during a long run. Good News: runner’s high is a real thing,

Although you’re unlikely to reach “runner’s high” as a beginner, it’s something to look forward to as you gradually increase the speed, frequency and distance of your runs.

Fun facts: 5,720 workouts are tracked per minute in MyFitnessPal app,

4. Make sure you stay hydrated

Every runner needs this stay hydratedBut it is important for beginners who are demanding more from their body.

Hydration provides energy, improves performance, affects mood and breathing, and may even increase your metabolic rate, associated risks Dehydration ranges from minor headaches and cramps to serious complications like heart disease and heat stroke. apps like MyFitnessPal are incredibly useful for beginners as they help you keep track of your hydration All day.

5. Make a working plan and stick to it

Running is a great exercise, but without consistency you’re unlikely to see any change in your current weight.

One way to keep yourself on track to lose weight is to create a running schedule. Whether you start with one or two runs per week or choose a more regular routine, staying disciplined will help your body adjust faster.

Whatever your weight loss plan, stick to your schedule and be consistent to get the most out of it running for long term improvement, with MyFitnessPalYou can incorporate the calories lost during the run into your daily calorie goals, giving you extra motivation to get out there and hit the pavement.

6. Complement physical activity with diet

Yes, we mentioned it, but it’s worth reiterating the importance of a balanced, nutritious diet to complement physical activity.

Some people are so excited to see results when they start running that they try to speed up their weight loss by eating less. methods like yo-yo dieting are not sustainable and may negative impactInvolved regain all the weight lost by running,

7. Remember to get enough sleep

Ultimately, getting enough sleep every night has a health benefit. Has a direct effect on weight loss By regulating metabolism and appetite, improving running stamina, and keeping hunger hormones under control. with Features of sleep, MyFitnessPal It can also provide invaluable information about your sleep patterns, helping you optimize your sleep by identifying foods that disrupt your sleep.

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Reach your weight loss goals with MyFitnessPal

Although running can help you reach your goals, weight loss doesn’t have to be a difficult task.

A running/walking program This is great for getting your journey started right away, but maintaining long-term weight loss requires consistency and a diet that tracks calorie intake.

he is there MyFitnessPal Can help. With the right tools and resources, you can overcome previous obstacles, demystify weight loss, and help yourself achieve your fitness goals once and for all.

create a free account To get started and join millions of others running for weight loss, fitness and satisfaction.

Originally published on 4/6/2022; Updated 5/9/2024
