Bonus: An extra week to apply to Startup Battlefield 200 | TechCrunch

A big thank you to the early-stage founders who missed the application window Startup Battlefield 200 (SB 200) on TechCrunch DisruptWe have exciting news for you!

You procrastinators can thank your luck – we’re giving you (a little) more time to prepare your application.

Pro tip: Applying and Participating in SB 200 100% Free. You have absolutely nothing to lose.

Startup Battlefield 200 deadline extended

It’s time to stop putting this task off. You have an extra week. Apply to Startup Battlefield 200Stop what you’re doing and finish it June 17 at 11:59am PDT,

Experience the Startup Battlefield 200 at TechCrunch Disrupt

Membership has its privileges. First and foremost, members of this group get the coveted acknowledgment of TechCrunch. This doesn’t come easily, and it holds significance in the startup (read: VC) community. Let’s review the other benefits and perks that SB 200 founders get:

Full access to Disrupt: SB 200 Founders attend Disrupt for free, receive four additional passes and VIP access to all presentations, breakouts, and roundtables.

Free exhibition space for the entire show: The SB 200 will be the only early-stage startups allowed to exhibit at Disrupt.

Investor Interest and Media Publicity: Investors looking for future unicorns and journalists searching for the next big story will flock to the exhibition space to meet and greet the SB 200 founders.

Workshops & Pitch Training: In the weeks leading up to Disrupt, SB200 founders will be invited to exclusive workshops and masterclasses, including exclusive pitch training from TechCrunch staff.

Flash-pitch to investors and TC editors: This training will come in handy when you step onto the pitch showcase stage. You’ll get invaluable feedback, and maybe even land a spot in an investor’s portfolio.

Chance for $100,000: TechCrunch editors will select 20 startups from the SB200 to be the Startup Battlefield finalists. The founders of those 20 companies will receive private pitch coaching, be featured in an article on TechCrunch and pitch live in front of the entire Disrupt audience. The ultimate winner will receive a $100,000 equity-free prize.

Use this extra week wisely – it is not a good idea to disappoint Saint Expeditus. Apply for Startup Battlefield 200 By June 17 at 11:59am PDTIt has the potential to change your life, so get dancing and show us what you’re made of!

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