California Legislators Debate Froot Loops and Free Condoms – KFF Health News

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – California state lawmakers are continuing their progressive lean on health policy this year with dozens of proposals including a ban on the Froot Loops ingredient and free condoms for high school students.

As the state increasingly breaks along partisan lines, California Democrats are putting their supermajority stamp on the legislation, which they will consider until adjournment in late August. But the cost of these proposals will be a major factor given the enormity of the state deficit, which is currently projected. $38 billion And $73 billion,

health coverage

Lawmakers are again considering whether to create a government-run, single-payer health care system for all Californians. ab 2200 This is the second such effort by Democratic Assemblyman Ash Kalra, after a similar bill failed in 2022. The price would be steep, though proponents say there would be associated savings. The high potential cost left Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas and others Doubt it could become law While the state is struggling with losses.

ab 4 will be needed California covered, the state’s health insurance exchange, offers health insurance policies to people who are not otherwise able to obtain coverage under federal law because of their immigration status. This may ultimately lead to discounted insurance premium similar to them Introduced in Colorado and Washington,

medical loan

It would bar health care providers and collection agencies from sharing patients’ medical debt with credit reporting agencies. SB 1061, The bill would also prohibit credit reporting agencies from accepting, storing, or sharing any such information without consumer consent. Last year, Biden administration announced plans Developing federal rules to prevent unpaid medical bills from affecting patients’ credit scores. California will be third state To remove medical bills from consumer credit report.


The Medi-Cal program, which provides health care for low-income people, will be required to cover medically assisted food and nutrition starting July 1, 2026. ab 1975, The bill builds on an existing but limited pilot program. The law says California people of color can benefit from adequate food and nutrition to combat largely preventable chronic health conditions, and it is one of 14 solutions Demanded by the California Legislative Black Caucus as part of reparations for racial injustice.

More than 1.6 million California residents, disproportionately latinoMedi-Cal has been phased out since the state resumed annual eligibility checks that were paused during the COVID-19 pandemic. ab 2956 The state would have to get federal approval to slow those enrollments, such as allowing people 19 and older to automatically keep their coverage for 12 months.

violence prevention

Increase in attacks on healthcare workers is prompting lawmakers to consider increase criminal penalties, In California, simple assault against workers inside the ER is treated almost the same as simple assault against anyone else, and carries a maximum fine of $1,000 and six months in jail. In contrast, simple assaults against emergency medical personnel in the field, such as an EMT responding to a 911 call, can result in a maximum fine of $2,000 and a year in jail. ab 977 The same maximum penalty would be set for assaulting emergency health care personnel on the job, whether they are in the field or in the ER.

California could toughen penalties for interference with reproductive health care services. Posting personal information or photos of a patient or provider would be a felony if one of them was injured as a result. ab 2099 Also increases penalties for intimidating or obstructing.

under SB 53, gun owners must lock their weapons in state-approved safes or lockboxes where they will not be accessible to anyone except the owner or another legally authorized user. Democratic Senator Anthony Portantino, the bill’s author, says it would make it harder for anyone, including children, to do so. use guns to harm yourself or other or use weapons to commit crimes. Critics say it would make it harder to access weapons when needed, such as in response to a home invasion. Connected, ab 2621 And ab 2917 Address gun violence restraining orders.

substance use

Increase in drug overdoses Has provided several responses: ab 3073 The pilot project will require the state public health department to partner with local public health agencies, wastewater treatment facilities and others waste Testing traces of dangerous drugs in an effort to pinpoint drug hot spots and identify new drugs. AB 1976 Workplace first aid kits will need to include naloxone nasal spray. Can reverse opioid overdose, And senators have proposed at least nine bills It aims to curb overdose deaths, particularly from the deadly synthetic opioid fentanyl.

youth welfare

under ab 2229Supported by a “know your periodAccording to the campaign, menstrual health must be included in the sex education curriculum of school districts. There was no registered protest.

Public schools will have to provide free condoms to all students of classes 9 to 12. SB 954, which according to the author, Democratic Senator Caroline Menjivar, will help prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. democratic Vetoed by Governor Gavin Newsom uniform bill Last year.

reality show star Paris Hilton is supporting A bipartisan bill to require greater reporting on the treatment of youth in state-licensed short-term residential therapeutic programs. SB 1043 The state Department of Social Services would be required to post information about restrictions and use of seclusion rooms on a public dashboard.

California will expand its regulation of cannabis products, which have become increasingly popular among youth as a way to circumvent the state’s adults-only restrictions on legal cannabis. ab 2223 will be built on A law of 2021 Assemblymember Cecilia Aguirre-Curry looked back. didn’t go very far,

Public schools will be under ab 2316Generally prohibited from providing food containing red dye 40, titanium dioxide and other potentially harmful substances that are currently used in products Froot Loops and Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, This is from Democratic Assemblyman Jesse Gabriel follow up Last year his legislation attempted to ban a chemical used in Skittles.

women’s Health

ab 2515 Would ban the sale of menstrual products with intentionally added PFAS, also known as “”.forever chemicals, PFAS, which is short for perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, have been linked to serious health problems. Newsom vetoed the previous attempt,

Public grade schools and community colleges will fall under ab 2901, must provide 14 weeks of paid leave for pregnancy, abortion, delivery, termination of pregnancy, or recovery. Newsom vetoed a similar bill In 2019.

ab 2319 would like improve enforcement A 2019 law aims to reduce disproportionate rates of maternal mortality among black women And other pregnant women of color.

social media

If social media companies do not take adequate steps to protect children, they may face heavy penalties. ab 3172, The measure would allow financial damages of up to $1 million for each child under the age of 18 who proves in court that they were harmed, or three times the amount of the child’s actual damages. The industry has opposed it calling it a bill harmful censorship,

Cyberbullies may face civil liabilities of up to $75,000 SB 1504, and anyone can demand those damages. Under current law, damages are limited to $7,500 and can only be prosecuted by state attorneys general.


Under this, owners can be fined for repeatedly contacting employees after working hours. ab 2751A “right to disconnect” bill has been drafted following similar bans in 13 countries. The bill’s author, Democratic Assemblyman Matt Haney, said that despite the advent of smartphones, “the boundaries have blurred Between work and home life,” employees should not be expected to work around the clock. Scale is opposed By the California Chamber of Commerce.

Finally, Democrat Anthony Rendon, the longtime speaker of the state Assembly, is spending his last year in the House and leading the nation for the first time. selection committee On happiness and public policy outcomes. The committee is not planning any legislation right now intends to issue a report After MPs adjourned in August.

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