Captain Blood: Apparently, pirates can rise from the dead – a 20-year-old game is back

Imagine the scene – it’s E3 2004, new games are being announced, and the trailer for Age of Pirates: Captain Blood catches your attention. It looks like a real thrilling game, a pirate brawler with satirical vibes. You can imagine the couch co-op fun ahead.

Towards the end of the year, rumours slowly come to you that Captain Blood is being delayed due to a major redevelopment effort, and that it will take some time to release. Well, there’s no shortage of other new games, so you put your pirate hat back in the closet and wait.

Further rumours circulate and the game is apparently set for release in 2009 – five years is admittedly a long time, but it’s not unusual as a lead time for video games. You rub your hands together and pull the pirate hat back out of the closet.

But the game never came out. A new trailer even came out in 2010, with a release date in 2011, but that came and went without the game being released.

The game was mired in development issues and legal troubles for so long that we collectively forgot about it.The FA game announced 10 years ago hasn’t come out yet, it probably never willCorrect?

Fast forward to June 17, 2024. Twenty years after the initial announcement of Age of Pirates: Captain Blood, for over a decade it seemed like the game was dead and buried. Nobody even thought about it for years. And then, along comes Seawolf Studios with a re-release trailer.

It’s as if a time capsule was dug up and inside, perfectly preserved, was a pirate game from the 2000s, complete with fourth-wall-breaking narration.

When will Captain Blood be released?

If the new trailer can be believed – there’s naturally still some skepticism – then we can expect that Captain Blood It will eventually be released to consumers in autumn 2024. We don’t have a more specific release date than that.

According to the trailer, it is going to release on all modern platforms – PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One and Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and Steam.

Featured Image Credit: Seawolf Studios/SNEG
