Christine Brown vs. Janelle Brown: Are The Sister Wives Feuding?

To be clear, as most readers are well aware by now, Christine Brown and Janelle Brown are no longer sister wives.

The ex ended her relationship with Kody Brown in November 2021, and then Jenelle did the same exactly one year later.

It seems that none of the women have any regrets about these decisions.

Janelle and Christine on Sister Wives
Janelle and Christine Brown said this via a confessional on Sister Wives. (TLC)

However, just because the women stopped connecting with Kody doesn’t mean Christine and Janelle stopped being friends.

They actually seemed closer than ever after separating from their spiritual husbands, sometimes going on holidays together sit down for an interview,

At least they used To.

Lately, many fans have noticed that Christine and Janelle haven’t mentioned each other in quite some time.

Christine and Janelle BrownChristine and Janelle Brown
You’re looking at promotional photos of Christine and Janelle Brown. (TLC)

We haven’t seen any social media photos of the reality stars in the same location. Neither one has tagged the other in any recent posts.

The friendship seems to have fizzled out somewhat, which can be a natural outcome for two people with busy lives.

Or it could be a sign of something else.

Has there been some kind of friction between Janelle and Christine?

Christine Brown in an episode of Sister WivesChristine Brown in a Sister Wives episode
Christine Brown looks sad and upset on Sister Wives. (TLC)

Frankly, we don’t know.

But to make an educated guess? We doubt it.

Of course, Jenelle faced the biggest tragedy of all in early March Garrison’s son committed suicide.,

Partly in response to this nightmare, Janelle has been spending more time than ever with her daughter Maddie in North Carolina, keeping her away from the area of ​​the country where Christine lives.

Janelle Brown looks so sadJanelle Brown looks so sad
Janelle Brown looks very sad in this Sister Wives confessional. (TLC)

Jenelle’s focus these days is on her immediate family, especially her five remaining children, as it absolutely should be.

We have no doubt that Christine will be there for Jenelle whenever she needs a friend.

A few weeks after losing the garrison, christine accepted her death When some critics wondered why she was promoting her rental home online, she wrote the following on Instagram:

“It’s been two weeks since Garrison died. This is never easy to say.

“I have to keep working because this is what I understand. This is what I know and this is what I have to do.

“And for me, working some of the time means posting on social media and for those of you who understand that, that’s what I have to do to keep going.”

Garrison Brown on Sister WivesGarrison Brown on Sister Wives
Garrison Brown is featured in an episode of Sister Wives. (TLC)

Meanwhile, in November both Janelle and Christine made it clear that they had ended relationships with their two other former sister wives, Meri and Robyn.

“I am I will not be friends withAnd I wouldn’t go anywhere near him,” Christine told Entertainment Tonight at the time.

“However, I wish him all the best. I hope he finds what he’s looking for. I know she wants a romantic partner.

“There’s so much in the past that I’m just going to leave it in the past,” Christine told ET broadly.

“I’m not one to drag the past around, and go to counseling and trying to figure out everything if I don’t need to. And I don’t need it.”

Janelle Brown on TLC specialJanelle Brown on TLC special
Janelle Brown is shown here in the Sister Wives Tell-All special. (Image credit: TLC)

As far as Janelle goes? And when it comes to Meri?

“I have no ill will towards her, I just hope she does well,” the mother of six said.

“I hope she’s happy but my focus is really on what we’re doing, what my kids are doing; if I run into her at an event, it won’t be bad or we won’t ignore each other.

“We always say hello.”
