Could Dopamine Be Causing Your Low Libido? An Expert Explains the Link

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with Dopamine Detox Despite its dominance in the health sphere, many people misinterpret this trend as completely eliminating dopamine from our lives. First of all, this is impossible — given that dopamine is naturally produced by the body, we can’t completely detox from it. Plus, this would ignore all the good things dopamine does for us. The neurotransmitter is far-reaching in its influence on our decision-making and behavior. Dopamine is linked to our pleasure and reward systems, and it plays a key role in how we experience pleasure and satisfaction. Enter: the connection between dopamine and sex.

The connection between dopamine and sex

In fact, I knew very little about the connection between dopamine and sex before speaking to the team. JunaA women’s wellness brand offering plant-based products to improve mind, body, mood, and sleep. Articles on the topicThey outline the links between dopamine, love and sex:

“The need for dopamine in our lives is due to its effects on motivation, pleasure and reward systems, mood regulation, and attention […] The pleasure and reward system, which is intricately linked to love, relies heavily on dopamine to produce feelings of pleasure and reinforcement.”

Jewel Zimmer, a certified brain health coach and the CEO and founder of Juna, elaborates on this connection, “When your dopamine levels are high, it can increase feelings of arousal and desire — things we often associate with libido. Conversely, low dopamine levels can decrease libido, as it can decrease feelings of pleasure and motivation,,

For more on this topic, I reached out to Zimmer for his expertise. Ahead, we’ll discuss all things dopamine and sex: how to respond to a declining libido, and his eight great tips for naturally boosting dopamine levels—and in turn, your sex drive. warm.

Jewel Zimmer

Jewel Zimmer

Jewel Zimmer is the CEO and Founder of Juna. As a certified brain health coach, Jewel is dedicated to helping women everywhere feel their best. She is passionate about educating about the optimal gut/brain axis, the connection between the two, and helping people implement daily habits to reach their health goals. Her mission is to equip individuals with the tools to optimize their health, inspiring a wave of healthier, happier humans.

Minimalist bedroom.

Understanding your libido

Increasing your sex drive is the topic of many magazine articles and girls’ chats. Who doesn’t want a healthy sex drive? It’s linked to everything from pleasure (of course) to pain relief, better sleep and increased intimacy with your partner. But! It’s also natural for your libido to fluctuate. That being said, you may be looking to spice things up. We have the answers for that.

Zimmer is quick to point out that dopamine is just one part of the game when it comes to your libido. “Your libido is affected by many different factors, including hormone balance, stress, relationship dynamics, and your overall health,” she explains. If changes in your sex drive are a concern, she recommends talking to a healthcare provider to explore possible causes and treatments.

How to increase libido naturally?

When it comes to increasing your libido, Zimmer encourages a holistic approach. She cites the following ideas for addressing a low sex drive:

  • regular exercise
  • eating a balanced diet
  • stress management through relaxation techniques
  • getting enough quality sleep
  • Consult a healthcare provider about incorporating herbs. Maca root Or ginseng
  • Communicate openly with your partner
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Prioritize activities that bring you joy and relaxation

Zimmer also suggests talking to your healthcare provider for more personalized advice. “The healthier you feel, the more likely you are to improve across the web of factors that impact libido,” she says.

Woman light palo santo.

8 Tips to Increase Dopamine

Fun fact: about 50% of dopamine production occurs in the intestineSo, it is important to prioritize Gut healthWhich is linked to everything from stress relief to mood enhancement. (Key elements of a strong libido.) I also take Juna regularly Visceral Therapy Supplement for optimal gut health.

Read on for Zimmer’s tips to help you naturally increase dopamine levels. Keep in mind that with all of these tips, balance is key. “Moderation is key to maintaining a healthy balance in lifestyle habits to support overall wellness.”

  1. Exercise. Regular physical activity can increase dopamine levels. Aim for activities like jogging, dancing, or playing sports, as they also increase endorphins.
  2. Healthy diet and dopamine-inducing foods. Include sources of tyrosine in your diet such as lean proteins, dairy, eggs, nuts and seeds. Dark chocolate is another great dopamine booster that is also highly known for its aphrodisiac properties.
  3. Sleep Getting adequate, high-quality sleep helps regulate dopamine levels.
  4. stress management. Chronic stress can lower dopamine. Practice stress-reducing techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or spending time in nature. Grounding is a great way to increase dopamine.
  5. community. Positive social interactions and forming connections with others can increase dopamine release. Make time for meaningful relationships with friends and family.
  6. Fall in love. When you experience love, the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of your brain is activated, releasing dopamine. Dopamine is well-known for its involvement in romance.
  7. Music and Creativity. Creativity or listening to favorite music stimulates the release of dopamine.
  8. Setting and achieving goals. Completing tasks or setting goals and achieving them can provide a sense of accomplishment and increase dopamine levels.
