Does sleep clear more toxins from the brain than when we’re awake? Latest research casts doubt on this theory – ET HealthWorld

London: No doubt about it Sleep Good for the brain. It helps to revitalize various parts and stabilize memories. When we don’t get enough sleep, it can lead to increased stress levels and mental health issues.

Evidence also supports the notion that the brain gets rid of more toxic waste when we sleep than when we’re awake. This process is thought to be important in getting rid of potentially harmful things such as amyloid, a protein whose build-up in the brain is linked to Alzheimer’s disease,

However, a recent study in mice came to the opposite conclusion. Its authors suggest that in mice, Cleansing the brain In fact it decreases during sleep – and previous findings could also be reinterpreted in this way.

brain cleansing system

Because the brain is an active tissue—with many metabolic and cellular processes going on all the time—it produces a lot of waste. This waste is excreted by our glymphatic system,

Cerebrospinal fluid is an important part of the glymphatic system. This fluid surrounds the brain, acting as a liquid cushion that protects it from damage and provides nutrition, so that the brain can function normally.

during waste removal process, our cerebrospinal fluid helps move old and dirty brain fluid – full ToxinsMetabolites and proteins – reaches outside the brain, and welcomes new fluid.

The removed waste travels to the lymphatic system (a part of your immune system), where it’s eventually eliminated from your body.

The glymphatic system has only been discovered in the last decade. It was first observed in mice, who were injected with dye to study the movement of fluid in their brains. The existence of the glymphatic system in humans has been confirmed using MRI scans and contrast dye.

Based on the results of animal experiments, scientists concluded that the glymphatic system is more active at night than during the day, when sleeping or under the influence of anesthesia.

Other studies have shown that this waste elimination activity can also vary depending on a variety of conditions – such as sleep status, the type of anesthetic used, and whether or not the subject’s circadian rhythm was disrupted.

Challenging old interpretations

The recent study used male mice to investigate how the movement of brain fluid differs when the animals are awake, asleep and unconscious. The researchers injected dye into the animals’ brains to track the flow of fluid through the glymphatic system.

Specifically, they examined whether an increase in the dye indicated a decrease in fluid movement away from an area, rather than an increase in movement into that area as previous studies have shown. The former would mean less clearance through the glymphatic system — and therefore less waste being removed.

After three hours and five hours of sleep or unconsciousness, the brain regions had more dye than when they were awake. This suggests that when the rat was asleep or unconscious, less dye, and therefore fluid, was being cleared from the brain.

While the findings are interesting, there are several limitations in the study design. Therefore, this cannot be taken as a full confirmation that the brain does not excrete as much waste at night compared to the day.

Limitations of this study

First, the study was done on mice. The results of animal studies don’t always apply to humans, so it’s hard to say if the same will be true for us.

The study only involved male rats that were kept awake for a few hours before sleeping. This may have disrupted their natural sleep-wake rhythm, which may have partially influenced the results.

Studies have shown that disrupted or poor sleep is linked to increased stress levels – which result in reduced flow of cerebral fluid from the glymphatic system.

In contrast, an earlier (2013) study showed more Brain toxins The cells were removed during sleep, and the mice were observed during their natural sleep schedule.

This study also used different methods than previous studies – including what kind of dye was injected and where. The previous studies also used both male and female mice. These differences in study methods may have affected the results.

The glymphatic system may behave differently depending on the brain region – each produces different types of waste when awake or asleep. This may also explain why the results of this study were different from previous studies.

Virtually no studies on the glymphatic system and the effects of sleep in rats have examined the content of brain exudative fluid.

Therefore, even though the amount of fluid draining out of the brain during sleep or anesthesia is small, this fluid can still remove important waste products in varying amounts.

Some studies have found that both the function of the glymphatic system and sleep are impaired in people with neurological diseases – including Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s. A study in humans also shows that more amyloid is found in the brain after even one night of sleep deprivation.

The glymphatic system is crucial when it comes to how the brain works – but it can work differently depending on a number of factors. We need more research that aims to replicate the findings of the latest study, as well as investigate the reasons behind its surprising findings. (The Conversation)


  • Published on June 2, 2024 at 01:22 PM IST

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