Ethical dilemmas emerge as AI revives past politicians for votes in India

In line with the rest of the world, political campaigns in India are now using AI to bring dead politicians back to life, at least digitally. Reporting, As the country’s elections gain momentum, the ethical and legal implications of this practice are coming under scrutiny.

Actor-turned-politician Vijay Vasanth recently leveraged this technology in his campaign efforts in Kanniyakumari to digitally revive his father, former parliamentary representative and businessman H. Vasanth Kumar, who died of Covid-19 four years ago. happened. In a campaign video, an AI-generated Kumar supports his son by claiming that his “spirit is still with you all”, a message aimed at garnering voters’ support by invoking his enduring presence and legacy.

The strategy is part of a broader trend where Indian political parties are increasingly turning to AI to connect with voters. Late Tamil Nadu political leader M. Karunanidhi also made a posthumous digital appearance, speaking at party events and book launches, with his iconic yellow scarf and dark glasses digitally recreated.

Using AI in this way hits deep cultural sentiments, especially in India, where respect for the dead runs deep, and public criticism of them is rare. The revival of these leaders through AI aims to evoke nostalgia and strengthen ideological continuity, which can be especially inspiring during elections.

Ethical concerns, legal implications and future of AI in politics in India

However, this practice has raised important ethical questions. Critics argue that using the likeness and voice of the deceased without explicit consent can lead to misinformation and manipulation of voter perceptions, thereby reducing the authenticity of political discussion. Furthermore, it blurs the lines between genuine support and fabricated content, potentially deceiving voters about the origin and veracity of the messages they receive.

Globally, similar concerns have prompted regulations, such as the ban on robocalls in the US, which also addressed issues of AI-generated voice calls during elections. Yet, in India, The regulatory landscape is still gaining momentum With these rapid technological advancements.

Despite these concerns, supporters like Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam party spokesperson Salem Dharanidharan compare the use of AI in political campaigns to historical shifts in communication technologies from newspapers to cinema and television. He argues that AI is the latest medium to disseminate political ideologies more effectively.
