Europe Day – United States Department of State

On behalf of the American people, I am pleased to join the citizens of the European Union as you celebrate Europe Day.

Seventy-four years ago, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman shared his vision of a community of nations that could build a more prosperous future for the people of Europe. That idea led to the formation of the European Coal and Steel Community, which led to the Maastricht Treaty, bringing to life Schuman’s vision of close cooperation, creative thinking and permanent unity throughout Europe.

As we celebrate Europe Day, we also celebrate the partnership between the United States and Europe. We are proud to stand together as we help Ukraine defend itself, support the Ukrainian people, and hold Russia accountable for its aggression. As we celebrate NATO’s 75th anniversary and shape the future of our alliance, we are honored to join European allies and partners. We are committed to supporting shared democratic values ​​and mutual economic prosperity. Without a doubt, our transatlantic relationship is stronger than ever.

Greetings and good wishes to EU citizens, Member States and institutions – Happy Europe Day!
