Exactly What I Meal Prep for High-Protein Meals All Week

It can’t be denied – the food we put into our bodies is one of the most powerful ways we can support our energy levels and overall health. That’s why 2024 feels like the “Year of Protein” – there has never been more emphasis on this macronutrient that plays a vital role in many aspects of our health. protein Essential for building muscle, balancing hormones, and reaching peak vitality.

When it comes to balancing a busy schedule with healthy eating, the struggle is real. But whether you’re dealing with career, personal activities, family, or all of the above — finding simple ways to nourish your body is essential to looking your best. I have shared before of course How to Meal Prep for a Week of Healthy Meals, but for those who specifically want to increase their protein intake? High-protein meal preparation is a game-changer. Read about some ways I get my grams of protein in by prepping on the weekend so I can stay on track even during the busiest weeks.

Why focus on high-protein foods?

Protein is a powerhouse nutrient that keeps you feeling full longer, supports muscle health and helps regulate various bodily functions. For women of all ages, it is especially important to get enough protein to control weight and prevent muscle loss. from food preparation high protein food You can quickly throw together an entire week, you’ll be more likely to reach for something actually nutritious rather than a handful of goldfish.

High-Protein Meal Prep Ingredients

Your High-Protein Meal Prep Cheat Sheet

1. Take a “building block” approach

Every weekend, I make a few simple “building block” recipes that I can use as a starting point for countless nutritious meals during the week. Roasted vegetables can be used to top salads or fill sandwiches. A pot of quinoa forms the base of a grain bowl, or can become a comforting breakfast porridge. And most importantly for today’s article, make a big batch of one or two types of protein that can appear in different meals throughout the week. These basic recipes are infinitely versatile, and part of the fun is getting creative and finding different ways to use them.

2. Plan your protein sources

Start by making a list of protein-rich foods that you (and your family, if you’re feeding others!) enjoy eating in a variety of ways. Example: Chicken which can be eaten in sandwiches and salads. Tofu that can be added to stir-fries or baked with vegetables. Beans that can fill a taco or add heaviness to a salad. Once you’ve locked in on a few protein sources for the week, buy enough for several meals, then prepare it all at once to save time later.

3. Use that slow cooker or Instant Pot

That’s the beauty of set-it-and-forget-it! Add your protein picks to the slow cooker or Instant Pot with your favorite spices and broth. The end result is perfectly cooked, fall-apart tender goodness that can be added to anything from quick salads to comforting soups throughout the week.

High-Protein Meal Preparation for Breakfast-Protein Oatmeal

4. Plan a protein-rich breakfast

Experts are increasingly learning the importance of adequacy protein at breakfast, To get the most of its nutritional value, aim to consume about 30 grams. high quality protein, This amount provides essential amino acids for muscle repair and growth, supports hormone regulation and helps stabilize blood sugar levels.

I like to boil some eggs or make a batch of these to crumble on grain-free toast Power Greens Breakfast Bites, You can also pre-measure the ingredients for this Protein Rich Smoothie Add to your blender and keep in the fridge. Simply add almond milk (or other liquid) the next morning and blend it!

5. Don’t forget power snacks

Breakfast is often the place where our healthy eating goals get derailed. when i prepare High-Protein Snacks At the beginning of the week, when I’m not really hungry I’m more likely to stay energetic and avoid “random” snacking. Lately my usage is my 1/2 cup Probiotic Yogurt Top with raspberries (for a protein-fiber combo!) I also love to meal prep a batch of this Chia Puddingand this Raspberry Cocoa Energy Balls They taste like sweets but are packed with healthy ingredients.

High-Protein Meal Prep Ingredients

6. Cook beans in batches

Pulses, beans and chickpeas are great plant based protein sources And can be cooked in large quantities. Cook a big batch at the beginning of the week; These can serve as the base for many delicious dishes from salads to stews. I often rinse and drain a can of white beans and add it to a kale salad with pumpkin seeds, avocado, and my shallot vinaigrette. Kale is sturdy enough to keep in the fridge for a few days without going wilted – it actually gets better with time.

7. Make a Protein Bowl

One of my favorite weekday lunches is a protein bowl filled with veggies and protein — which is super easy when I meal prep at the beginning of the week. I’ll take my salad greens, top with pre-cooked protein, then add delicious toppings to amp up the flavor: leftover roasted veggies, nuts, seeds, goat cheese, and some sort of dressing I’ve made in advance ( usually my Sunday Night Vinaigrette.) Each bowl is packed with flavor and never gets old, because they’re so customizable.

High-Protein Meal Prep Ingredients

8. Stock up on high-protein staples

There are a few high-protein staples I always keep on hand so I can literally grab something when I don’t have time. Although these require no “prep,” they are great to keep on your weekend grocery list to keep in your breakfast drawer!

  1. Epic Maple-Glazed Salmon Bites
  2. Open Everything Bagels
  3. banza pasta
  4. Chomps Snack Sticks
  5. well cultured cheese
food prep storage containers

Imagine starting your week with a fridge full of delicious food that will keep you energized. There really is no better feeling than that! Yes, it’s about saving time, but it’s also about filling your life with food that’s enjoyable to eat and makes you feel good. With a little planning, you can eat a healthy, protein-rich diet all week long, no matter how busy life gets.

For me, the key to successful meal preparation is Diversity And lots of flavor – Keep things interesting by experimenting with different proteins, spices, and cooking methods each week so you’re always excited about the healthy meals you have in the fridge. Good preparation!
