Google Chrome introduces features for iOS and Android to make it easier to search on mobile

Google Chrome for mobile has been improved, with the team saying “searching for something on mobile should be as easy as it is when you’re in front of your computer.”

one of Recently published In an article on the Product Updates section (June 26), Chrome product manager Nick Kim Sexton announced five new features that will be added to Android and iOS.

It aims to make searching from a phone or tablet easier, taking away the hassle of browsing on a mobile device.

New Google Chrome update includes shortcuts, games and tips

One of the first features added is a new Chrome Action. For example, when you’re searching for a restaurant, some shortcut buttons will appear in the search results as you type. This includes features like ‘call’, ‘directions’, and ‘reviews’, which can make it much easier to get the information you need.

This facility has already been launched Chrome for Android And it’ll come to iOS later this fall, too.

The address bar, where websites are typed, has also been refreshed to suit the larger screen size of iPads and Android tablets. Now, when searching, the website should already appear in the drop-down option.

More shortcut suggestions have been added that take into account common words you type to get to a website you’ve visited before. “For example, you might normally type “schedule” to look up times for the city subway because that word is part of the site’s description,” Sexton writes.

“Thanks to this new feature, City Metro will now appear higher in your search suggestions whenever you search for “schedule.”

The trending search suggestions that are already available on Android will soon be available on iOS as well, showing trends below the address bar.

And finally, new sports cards have been added to Chrome’s Discover feed and are available on iOS and Android. This means that if you’ve ever shown interest in your favorite team in the past, you’ll automatically get updates on how your favorite team plays.

This can be customized in the Discover feed Chrome Mobile App By selecting the three-dot menu.

featured image: via flickr
