Is Eating Late at Night Bad For Weight Loss?

Eating before bed is very common. You can have a late-night meal. You can have breakfast in bed. And, on some nights, you may even wake up from your sleep to feel hungry.

Sound familiar?

Well, these may be eating habits and patterns that need to be revisited. These can put you at risk of eating more calories than you need each day, which can lead to obesity. Increased risk of weight gain and metabolic problems,

Research shows that having a healthy body weight Add years to your life and improve your mobility,

Here we tell you what role your metabolism plays in your weight loss goals and what you should do if you snack late at night.

Spoiler: it turns out that making even a small change to your daily routine can make a big difference in your long-term goals.

in your body circadian rhythmWhich is also known as “biological clock”.

circadian rhythm This is the body’s natural 24-hour cycle that regulates many bodily processes. This internal clock is influenced by environmental cues such as light and darkness, which helps synchronize bodily functions with the day-night cycle.

Metabolism, the process by which the body converts food into energy, is also regulated by circadian rhythms.

The body does a better job at digesting and metabolizing food during the day, when most people are more active. Studies have shown that the body burns more calories at rest and after eating. First half of the day than at night.

Eating late at night can disrupt your daily routine, leading to weight gain. according to research,

Research This also suggests that eating late in the day, especially at night, is associated with weight gain. This mismatch between the body’s internal clock and food intake can also lead to weight gain. Contributes to insulin resistance and other metabolic disorders,

Eating late at night affects your body in 4 ways

Night time is coming soon. Do you suddenly feel like eating something?

For many people, it’s common to eat something before going to bed. But this is often more of a psychological habit than an actual need for food. And, as you just learned, this habit isn’t always good for you.

Fun facts: MyFitnessPal now offers Sleep InsightsA new integration that can help you make connections between the foods you eat and the quality of your sleep. Download the app for free,

Here are some other reasons why it is important to avoid eating late at night.

1. Increases hunger levels

Strangely, this may be one effect of eating late increased hunger levelsThis is because eating late can disrupt the hormones that regulate satiety and hunger.

Eating too close to bedtime could mean you’ll be looking for More Indifference towards food might also make you eat extra snacks.

2. Burn fewer calories

Weight gain and loss is basically a math problem. You need to eat fewer calories than you expend in a day.

Eating at night may increase your risk of weight gain. Why? You’re taking in extra calories that you probably shouldn’t be using for energy.

In addition, your body’s Metabolism slows down at nightA slow metabolic rate may contribute to weight gain if you eat a heavy meal before bed and eat more than the recommended calorie intake.

3. Promotes fat storage in your body

One Harvard Study A studyTrusted Source , which involved a small, randomized control group of 16 overweight or obese participants, found that eating later in the day increased hunger, decreased the number of calories burned, and increased fat storage within the body.

4. Disrupts your body’s circadian rhythm

An additional reason not to eat late at night is that it can affect your daily rhythm and sleep patterns.

according to a studyEating at times that are not in line with your circadian rhythm (for example, eating late at night rather than when you wake up) may increase your risk of developing metabolic disorders.

These four problems can, over time, be associated with weight gain.

How can you prevent this? Eat a high-fibre and high-protein breakfast. Science shows that this helps maintain energy levels throughout the day and Promotes satiety while reducing snacking Later in the day.

What time should you stop eating at night to lose weight?

There is no exact answer as to when you should stop eating, as everyone lives in different places, where light and darkness vary.

The general consensus is to stop eating Three hours before bedtime.But when you stop eating will depend on your condition. Current nighttime routine,

A 5 p.m. meal may be fine for people who go to bed by 8 p.m. But if you don’t go to bed until 10 p.m., a later meal — around 7 p.m. — may be fine.

Or you can eat dinner the night before and then have breakfast three hours before bedtime, provided you don’t eat more calories than you need for the day.

If you feel hungry at night, eat something. Choose something light but filling, like a cup of tea Air-popped popcorn, which has only 62 calories,

general question

What should I do if I often wake up hungry?

If you tend to get up in the middle of the night to eat, consider eating a slightly larger breakfast and lunch so you won’t be too hungry at dinner or bedtime.

How late should you eat your last meal of the day if you’re intermittent fasting?

People who use intermittent fasting (And those worried about gaining weight from late-night food cravings) should consider ending their eating schedule about three hours before bedtime.


Overall, eating late at night or gorging on late-night snacks is likely to harm your health. change your energy levels and metabolismThat includes its effects on insulin and your blood sugar.

But why and how this happens is not yet well understood. More studies are needed on this. Some evidence There is disagreement on this subject.

If you want to try eating earlier, eat at least three hours before bedtime to better your chances of reaching your health and weight goals.
