Is Homemade Pizza Worth It? The Pros and Cons

“is it worth it?” Welcome to , a MyFitnessPal series that explores the advantages and disadvantages of store-bought versus homemade foods. The goal of the series is to give you the knowledge you need to make nutrition decisions that fit your lifestyle, budget, values, and health goals.

Pizza is, by far, my favorite food. In fact, I served it for dinner at my wedding reception. But when it’s pizza night, many people are at a crossroads: Should you keep it convenient with a store-bought pie or throw on an apron and make it from scratch?

For health-conscious and budget-savvy people, this decision is not just about taste. It’s about cost, environmental impact, health benefits and investment of time and effort.

So, let’s consider the advantages and disadvantages to answer the question: is homemade pizza really worth it?

Health Benefits of Homemade Pizza vs. Store-Bought Pizza

  • homemade pizza: Preparing pizza at home lets you control what goes into your body. You can opt for whole grain flour, fresh vegetables and homemade sauces without added sugar or preservatives. This is an opportunity to boost your intake of healthier ingredients while reducing fat, sodium and overall calorie count.
  • store bought pizza:The nutritional content of store-bought pizza can vary widely. While there are healthier options available, many frozen pizzas contain high amounts of sodium, preservatives and artificial additives. And pizzeria pizzas, while fresh, are often loaded with more cheese and fatty meat than the pizza you make at home. The amount of oil used to prepare pizza may be higher than the oil you use at home, increasing the calorie and fat content.

MyFitnessPal This makes it easy to log meals or ingredients ahead of time. This way, you can decide whether homemade pizza or store-bought pizza is best for your next pizza night.

Cost Comparison of Homemade Pizza vs. Store-Bought Pizza

  • homemade pizza: When you choose to make pizza at home, the initial setup of ingredients may seem expensive, but these supplies can make several pizzas over time. Flour, yeast, and staple toppings like cheese and tomato sauce are generally inexpensive, especially when purchased in bulk.
  • store bought pizza: Store-bought options can range from inexpensive frozen varieties to more expensive gourmet or organic selections. Although ordering from a local pizzeria is convenient, the cost per pie can add up quickly, especially if you’re feeding a crowd or opting for delivery with additional fees.

For a clearer comparison of serving sizes, consider making a large 14-inch pizza at home instead of ordering the same size from a local pizzeria:

  • A homemade pizza can easily serve four to six people, depending on how it is cut. Because the cost of ingredients for a basic cheese pizza is relatively low, the price per person can range from $2 to $3.
  • On the other hand, a 14-inch pizza from a local pizzeria typically costs around $18 to $25, making the per person price around $4.50 to $6.25 (assuming the pizzas serve the same four to six people).

This is not just a comparison highlights cost benefits But it also demonstrates how homemade pizza can be equally satisfying across serving sizes, with potentially greater savings and personalization of toppings based on personal preferences.

Turkey Pepperoni Zucchini Pizza
  • homemade pizza: While making pizza at home may reduce some packaging waste compared to store-bought options, it’s important to note that many of the ingredients like cheese, meat, and dough often come in their own packaging. However, you can still reduce your carbon footprint by choosing local products and looking for ingredients with less packaging whenever possible.
  • store bought pizza:Frozen pizzas come in cardboard boxes, often with plastic wrapping, which contribute to landfill waste if not properly recycled. Freshly made pizza from a shop or restaurant also usually comes in a cardboard box, presenting similar environmental considerations.

If Reducing environmental impact is a priority, homemade pizza presents opportunities for more eco-friendly options, given that you spend the time required to select ingredients with minimal packaging and support local product suppliers. Which brings us to…

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Time and Effort of Homemade vs. Store-Buffed Pizza

  • homemade pizza: Making pizza from scratch takes time and effort. You’ll need to gather ingredients, knead and let the dough rise, prepare toppings, and then assemble and bake. If you love cooking, this can be a rewarding experience. And choosing pre-made pizza dough or meat can save time. But, no matter how you slice it (no pun intended), homemade pizza will always take longer to heat than the store-bought variety or pick up from your local pizzeria.
  • store bought pizza: With store-bought pizza, convenience is king. Frozen pizza can be popped into the oven with minimal effort, and fresh pizza is just a phone call or online order away. If time is short or you’re in no mood to cook, store-bought offers a quick and easy alternative.
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Ultimately, the choice depends on your preferences—and your health goals. Is controlling nutritional content important to you? Or does the simplicity of quick, prepared meals suit your plans better? Whichever you choose, both paths lead to deliciousness, because, honestly, when is pizza not worth it?
