It’s you versus machine as Stern unveils the world’s first AI pinball machine

Famous pinball machine maker Stern is back, and this time he has artificial intelligence.

If you’ve ever felt like pinball was a cruel game as you watched your ball disappear into a hole and there seemed to be nothing you could do about it, you can now rest easy with this knowledge. Chances are, when this happens, the AI ​​is now laughing at you. At the same time.

new stern john wick pinball machineLimited to 1,000 machines and equipped with the likeness of Keanu Reeves, at first glance, there won’t be anything different from the pinball tables we’ve known and loved for years. However, it is 2024 and We need to incorporate AI So Stern plans to mix things up by introducing Artificial Intelligence, where the AI ​​will be responsive to player behavior and actively work to change the game while you play.

Stern says: “To raise the stakes, John Wick Pinball has introduced Stern’s brand-new Dynamic AI Combat System, an innovation that brings the frenetic battles of the legendary films to the game.

“The Stern team created a primitive video game AI system to control enemy lights on the playing field, which distinguishes the John Wick pinball game from prior pinball machines, where all lights were controlled by player actions, timers, and random The numbers were controlled by generations.

“In this new AI battle system, enemy icons are responsive to player behavior and will light up dynamically around the playing field to challenge the player. Enemies move intelligently with this dynamic software to counter the player’s objectives, creating a unique challenge in each game session.

The use of the term “primitive video game AI” suggests that Stern is not at all prepared to argue that computers are cheating right now, but about hitting the ball off the side of a cabinet to try to impress us. You may have to think twice. If the entire machine suddenly turns into a T-1000 our game is over quickly.

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