Japanese researchers set new world record internet speed

A team of Japanese researchers has set a new world record for Internet speed (data transmission).

Using commercially available optical fiber, the team established a data rate of 402 terabits per second – about 1.6 million times faster than the average broadband speed in the US.

Under the direction of the Photonic Networks Laboratory at the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) in Japan, the research team achieved this feat by building a system that incorporated all the transmission bands of standard optical fibers, as well as using various amplification technologies.

NICT said the new method of accessing previously unused wavelength bands could be used in future telecom networks

“The newly developed technology is expected to make significant contributions to expanding the communication capacity of optical communication infrastructure as the demand for data services will increase rapidly in the future,” NICT said in its report. a summary Details of work.

Ambition to expand transmission range

The average US broadband speed as of May 2024 was 248.27 Mbps, with an upload speed of 34.23 Mbps.

In the fourth quarter of 2023, Cox recorded the fastest average speeds in testing of leading fixed broadband providers across the US.

The data rate determined by the Japanese team, 402 Tb/s, is as fast as lightning, capable of downloading about 12,500 movies in a second, three times the number of movies currently available on Netflix.

The NICT researchers have ambitions to eventually extend the transmission range to vast, oceanic distances, but the immediate consequences of this achievement will require some caution. Although standard fibre optics were used to set the new world record, the feat was achieved against a backdrop of optimal laboratory conditions.

To replicate even a small portion of data transmission in the real world would require much more research and a lot of resources.

Image Credit: Via Ideogram
