Joint Statement on U.S.-Armenia Strategic Dialogue Capstone – United States Department of State

The following is the text of a statement issued by the Governments of the Republic of Armenia and the United States of America on the occasion of the U.S.-Armenia Strategic Dialogue Capstone Meeting.

Introductory text:

Ararat Mirzoyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, hosted Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia James C. O’Brien and an interagency government delegation for the U.S.-Armenia Strategic Dialogue (USASD) Capstone Meeting, to be held in Yerevan, Armenia, on June 11, 2024. During the Capstone Meeting, Armenia and the United States reviewed progress in strengthening bilateral relations and outlined a vision for deepening ties in the coming year, which will be formalized in a Memorandum of Understanding, with a view to elevating the status of our bilateral dialogue to a Strategic Partnership Commission. We look forward to outlining specific lines of effort to deepen our relationship in the coming months. The United States reiterated its support for Armenia’s sovereignty, independence, democracy, and territorial integrity, consistent with the 1991 Alma-Ata Declaration.

Supporting Armenia’s economic and energy resilience

The delegations reviewed joint efforts to promote mutual prosperity and economic and energy resilience through closer cooperation, noting the important dialogue held on these topics during the joint EU-US-Armenia high-level meeting in Brussels on April 5, 2024. Noting that US-Armenia trade turnover has already quadrupled since 2020, both sides committed to continue expanding commercial and trade relations as much as possible. The sides discussed enhancing cooperation on sanctions and export controls. They also reviewed options for export licensing to facilitate greater trade in advanced technology goods. The discussion also focused on promoting Armenia’s food security and energy independence, including work already being done to identify US commercial solutions in nuclear power and renewable energy. USAID intends to assist Armenia in developing a transportation strategy to underpin Armenia’s vision of a “Crossroads of Peace,” encouraging and strengthening regional trade and connectivity through a just and lasting peace. This peace will unlock the potential of the entire region and bring substantial benefits to all the people of the region.

The United States acknowledges the current economic and social challenges facing Armenia in supporting displaced persons and refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh and intends to continue to assist the Government of Armenia’s efforts in this regard. The United States commends Armenia’s efforts to shelter displaced persons and refugees, and Armenia commends the more than $21 million in humanitarian assistance provided by the United States to support displaced persons and refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh since September 2020.

Strengthening security and law enforcement cooperation for mutual benefit

Capstone Meeting participants acknowledged the important role of U.S. assistance in Armenia’s defense transformation and law enforcement development initiatives, which the United States intends to continue to support through advisory programs, military-to-military liaison activities, professional military education opportunities through the International Military Education and Training (IMET) program, and the long-running state partnership program with the Kansas National Guard. The delegations also recognized the important cooperation milestone achieved with Exercise Eagle Partner 2023. Representatives of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia and the U.S. Department of Defense also commended the start of the first annual staff talks between the U.S. European Command and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia in May 2024 and resolved to initiate formal U.S.-Armenia bilateral defense consultations to regularize the planning of defense cooperation objectives.

Building on the successful establishment of Armenia’s patrol police, which receives nationwide coverage in 2023, the two sides discussed future U.S. assistance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, including planned efforts to develop police education and modernize human resources structures to enhance accountability and consistency.

The United States appreciates Armenia’s continued contributions to global peacekeeping operations and looks forward to additional cooperation on peacekeeping and law enforcement development.

Promoting justice, democratic institutions, and shared democratic values

The delegations took stock of ongoing cooperation in the justice sector, and acknowledged the significant contribution of the United States to Armenia’s justice sector reform efforts. The United States intends to continue to focus efforts on helping Armenian institutions prevent and combat corruption and transnational organized crime, as well as promote judicial impartiality, integrity, and independence. The delegations discussed planned programs to support victims and witnesses and ensure access to justice. The United States will continue to support the development of a strong civil society and independent media environment to further strengthen Armenia’s democratic institutions and enhance transparency. Both sides emphasized the importance of respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms and the rule of law, and pledged to work together in this regard. The United States and Armenia reaffirmed their commitment to shared democratic values ​​and the goal of a democratic, prosperous, and peaceful Armenia.

Lesson finished
