Joint Statement on U.S.-Peru High-Level Dialogue – United States Department of State

The text of the following statement was issued by the Governments of the United States and the Republic of Peru on May 9 on the occasion of the first United States-Peru High-Level Dialogue in Washington, DC.

Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell and Peru’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Peter Cimino lead an inaugural high-level dialogue in Washington, DC on May 9, 2024, to advance mutual interests and deepen the long-term bilateral strategic partnership The shared commitment to

The US and Peruvian delegations looked to the future, holding five separate breakout sessions focused on democratic governance and migration; Cooperation for economic prosperity and inclusive growth; environmental protection and disaster preparedness; safety and security; and education and culture. These interactions advanced our bilateral cooperation on other important initiatives, including strengthening democracy in the region, enhancing civil security, combating transnational organized crime, and enhancing our economic and cultural ties.

Key achievements of the high-level talks include:

  • Peru and the United States welcomed the entry into force of the air interdiction agreement which enhances our security cooperation and civil aviation security in accordance with international law.
  • The two countries signed a “Memorandum of Understanding relating to Cooperative Situational Information Integration System” (CSII), which is the first step towards implementing the agreement.
  • Peru became the first country in Latin America to join the Blue Dot Network initiative, a key mechanism to promote high-quality infrastructure projects.
  • Peru and the United States agreed to promote investment in Peru’s mining sector and strengthen their cooperation on critical minerals. The United States welcomed Peru’s decision to become the first country to apply for membership of the Mineral Security Partnership Forum. Additionally, both countries began discussions on a Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Critical Minerals that will strengthen cooperation and exchange of information on this matter.
  • Both countries reiterated their commitment to expand investment, strengthen trade, and commercial exchanges between Peruvian and U.S. entrepreneurs and further strengthen economic ties.
  • Both countries are committed to cooperating on migration, including working with international organizations to address regional migration concerns.
  • Both countries welcomed 29 Aprilth Inaugural meeting of the Working Group on Strengthening Civil Protection and the Fight against Transnational Crime.
  • The United States announced that the State Department and FEMA will partner with Peru to enhance Peru’s disaster response capacity.
  • Peru announced that it will, with the support of the United States, host the second Latin American Regional Foundational Infrastructure (FIRST) Program capacity-building conference for the responsible use of small modular reactor technology to promote the energy transition in the region. Will advance the safe and peaceful use of energy. ,
  • The United States and Peru have committed to partner in the Global Health Security Program (GHS), which aims to strengthen the capabilities of global health systems, making them more resilient to prevent, detect, and respond to emerging infectious disease threats. Is. ,
  • Both countries reiterated their commitment not to conduct direct-ascent anti-satellite missile tests.
  • The United States welcomes Peru’s decision to join the Artemis Accords for cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space.
  • Peru and the United States created a bilateral working group to organize celebrations in honor of our 200th Anniversary of diplomatic relations on May 2, 2026.
  • Both countries participated in the repatriation of artwork from 17th The 19th Century Cuzco School of Peruvian Painting which was recovered by the FBI.

Both countries celebrated the 15th anniversary of their free trade agreement and acknowledged its benefits and achievements. In the same spirit, both states underlined their resolve to promote regional mechanisms that promote integration and cooperation, such as the US Partnership for Economic Prosperity and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum, which they chair this year. Peru did. Furthermore, the United States recognized Peru’s progress on its accession roadmap toward becoming a member of the OECD.

Furthermore, both countries reaffirmed their commitment to jointly combat illegal deforestation and illegal mining; protect indigenous communities; promoting human rights; and strengthen democratic institutions and respect their independence.

This first high-level dialogue between the United States and Peru exemplifies the long history of friendship between the two countries, which is also represented by the resident communities of both countries, who are the people-to-people contact between Peru and Peru on a day-to-day basis. Let’s strengthen the relations. United States of america.

In conclusion, both delegations appreciated the work done in the high-level talks. His efforts made the event a success and paved the way for the strengthening of the strategic partnership between Peru and the United States.
