LANY’s Paul Jason Klein Hospitalized After Being Hit by a Car

Paul Jason Klein is recovering after a frightening incident. The 36-year-old LANY singer revealed on Instagram on Tuesday that he was hit by a car while riding his Vespa home from the gym on June 6.

Klein — who posted a photo of himself in the hospital and others of himself recovering at home — wrote that he “really doesn’t remember anything after the collision” and that he only remembered “getting up on a stretcher and being put into the ambulance.”

“I have shed so many tears of gratitude and joy over the last few days,” he wrote. “I know how lucky I am to still be here. All my vitals are fine, but walking and getting around is still a challenge. I am slowly getting better though and will live to be 100.” [percent] Really soon.”

However, Klein’s health will not improve enough for LANY’s upcoming show, ‘A Beautiful Blur: The World Tour.’

“The doctors have advised me to reschedule my upcoming shows in Australia and New Zealand to allow me to recover faster,” he said. “For those of you who have bought tickets for Australia/New Zealand, please hold on to them and new dates will be announced soon.”

He continued his message, thanking fans for their “understanding” and writing, “This experience has given me an even stronger sense of purpose, so I can’t wait to recover and get back to normal.”

Following LANY’s Australia and New Zealand tour dates, the band is scheduled to perform During July and August, the tour will take place in China, Hungary, Switzerland, Austria and England. Klein assured his fans that all these tours and the ones after that will take place as scheduled.

“I love you and this life so much!” he concluded. “See you soon.”

LANY consists of vocalist Klein and guitarist Jake Clifford Goss. Keyboardist Les Priest left the band in 2022, before the release of their most recent album, a beautiful blur,

“Honestly, it hasn’t changed much,” Klein said. Hypebeast This is the last year that Priest has been involved in the band since his departure. “We support Les and everything he does, and obviously, he’s given us his blessing to stay in this band.”

“The first album, it was made by the three of us on a Dell computer in the kitchen,” he said of the band’s self-titled debut. “Les was more like our engineer, less of a traditional keyboardist. On the next few albums, we started working with people who were older and wiser, and we learned from them. Really, the only thing that changed is who was behind the computer.”

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