Magnesium Oil Benefits & How to Use It

Even with a nutritious diet, real food dietIt’s difficult to get the magnesium we need from food alone. Magnesium is one of the few supplements I take every day and I often use topical magnesium oil spray on my skin.

Why is magnesium important for overall health? Many people don’t get enough of it Important Minerals The body uses magnesium for hundreds of reactions. Every cell in the body needs magnesium in some way! It is essential for the health of bones, teeth, muscles, nerves, and joints, as well as optimal sleep and stress reduction.

More sleep and less stress? Sign me up!

Why is there magnesium deficiency in our body?

Magnesium deficiency is widespread because many of us have lifestyles that actively deplete our magnesium levels. These include lack of sleep, excessive stress or alcohol/caffeine/sugar consumption. In addition, many natural magnesium sources have been depleted. The lack of magnesium in our soil is due to over farming and overuse of pesticides. Water filtration systems also remove naturally occurring magnesium from water.

The ocean is still an amazing source of pure magnesium and minerals, but not all of us have daily access to the beach. transdermal magnesium oil There is an easy and effective way to increase magnesium levels.

benefits of magnesium oil

Thousands of studies have involved magnesium therapy in some form. These studies evaluate the effects of this essential mineral on everything from skin health to diabetes and high blood pressure.

I have found an easy way to increase my levels is transdermally (or through the skin) this magnesium oilSimply spray it on after a shower or bath, let it soak in, and you’re done! It’s quick and easy, and passes through the digestive system for absorption.

Magnesium supplements are also available that can be taken internally. I like magnesium drink mixes such as Natural Peace or from those Jigsaw Health. Lately I’ve been liking this too From biooptimizers Which contains a blend of 7 different types of highly absorbable magnesium.

However, some people have difficulty absorbing magnesium internally. If you have trouble increasing your magnesium intake with oral supplements, topical use may be helpful. In my experience, it is helpful to cycle the two methods to ensure absorption.

Here’s why I make magnesium oil a regular part of my routine:

1. Improves magnesium levels

Obviously, the goal of using magnesium oil is to increase our magnesium levels. A study conducted in 2010 by the Herbal Research Center found an increase in cellular magnesium levels of more than 25 percent. Study participants applied magnesium on their skin for 12 weeks. Transdermal magnesium therapy includes Magnesium Soak (such as foot soaks) and magnesium spray.

I consider this a basic form of nutritional insurance since it is very difficult to get magnesium from food and water.

2. Smooth skin

I like to use magnesium oil for healthy skin Dry BrushingI dry brush in the morning and often use a magnesium spray. This routine helps keep my skin smooth and acne-free. People with sensitive skin should start with diluted magnesium oil and work up to their skin type.

3. Reduces muscle pain

Many athletes use magnesium for recovery and muscle soreness after workouts. Even people who are not high-level athletes can benefit from using magnesium after a workout. Studies show that magnesium spray can help reduce muscle soreness and replenish magnesium levels lost through sweat. I’ve also found it’s great for leg cramps and muscle spasms that can keep kids (and adults!) up at night.

4. Reduces headaches and migraines

There has been a lot of research about the importance of magnesium for headache and migraine relief. Studies show that people who have good magnesium levels in their bodies have fewer headaches and migraines. If you feel a headache or migraine coming on, sometimes drinking water and taking magnesium is enough to make it go away. This is great news for those who want to avoid the side effects that come with traditional painkillers!

5. Balanced blood sugar

There is also a lot of research on magnesium and balanced blood sugar. There may be several reasons for this. Too much sugar depletes our magnesium levels. Unbalanced blood sugar And insulin levels can lower magnesium. As a result, it becomes more difficult to balance blood sugar and insulin.

Magnesium does not cure diabetes or blood sugar imbalances. However, magnesium can be an important part of a holistic approach to blood sugar management.

6. Lower risk of blood pressure and hypertension

Hospitals routinely use IV magnesium as an acute treatment for high blood pressure. However, most of us don’t give ourselves IV magnesium at home. And until recently there wasn’t much well-documented information about magnesium supplementation and blood pressure.

A 2016 meta-analysis found that magnesium may significantly help lower blood pressure. This analysis found benefits at doses greater than 370 mg per day. So a person would need to supplement both internally and transdermally to reap benefits.

7. More restful sleep

There’s a good reason for this Epsom salt bath Often used for relaxation. Magnesium can have beneficial effects on GABA receptors in the brain. This helps us to relax and sleep more easily and possibly deeper. Magnesium also helps to cure restless legs for better sleep at night.

It is important to note that some people have the opposite effect and wake up after taking magnesium. These people should, of course, not take magnesium at night.

How to Use Magnesium Oil

Spray daily on hands, feet and stomach. I use 10-20 sprays most days. There is usually a tingling sensation the first time you use it, which is normal. This should disappear after a few uses, but you can dilute it with more water if it is bothersome.

After applying, leave it on the skin for 20-30 minutes or wash it off after. I usually apply it after a shower and then use a moisturizer or lotion bar After about 5 minutes. If the stickiness on your skin bothers you, try applying it at night before bed when you won’t feel it as much, or before you shower and rinse it off.

this is my favorite Magnesium Oil Formulation. You can even make your own with magnesium flakes if you’re the DIY type! I’ve been known to make it when I don’t have magnesium oil! Try this easy recipe.

DIY Magnesium Oil

This is a very simple way to get magnesium oil locally. It’s also great for kids!

Yield: 6 Ounce

Author: Katie Wells

  • Boil distilled water.

  • Place the magnesium chloride pieces in a glass measuring cup or bowl and pour boiling water over them.

  • Stir well until completely dissolved, about 1 minute.

  • Let it cool completely and store it in a spray bottle.

  • I like to use magnesium oil after bathing and often add 10 drops of lavender essential oil for scent and relaxation. It’s a great way to practice a little self-care!
  • It can be stored at room temperature for several months.

Other Natural Ways to Get Magnesium

Although magnesium has many benefits, it is only a small part of the nutrients we need. Magnesium supplementation is great, but it should be taken in conjunction with a diet of real foods, the way nature intended it!

Some foods contain magnesium, although quantities are declining due to poor soil quality and excessive farming. Magnesium-rich foods include:

Magnesium Oil FAQs

This post has received hundreds of comments and questions. I have tried to answer the most common questions here:

Why is it called oil when there is no oil in it?

Good question. It is actually a highly saturated mineral solution of magnesium. When applied to the skin it feels oily and is the reason it is named “magnesium oil”. Confusing? A little… but I don’t get the name. Commercial brands of magnesium oil also use this term.

Which type of magnesium is best?

From the research I’ve done, I’ve found that magnesium chloride is the most absorbable and least irritating form. It’s also the easiest to purchase. (This is the best. The brand I use.,

Will Epsom salts work?

I find Epsom salt spray very drying but I like it Epsom salt bathThe difference is that Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate and can be more drying to the skin and is not as easily absorbed by the skin.

Can I use oral magnesium supplement powder to make transdermal magnesium?

No! These forms for internal use irritate the skin. It will also form a white film and make a huge mess. I don’t recommend it.

Is it good to add calcium in the spray as well?

I wouldn’t do that. In theory, you could do that and it would dissolve well, but it would leave a white film on the skin. And calcium is not easily absorbed through the skin. A lot of people get it Plenty of calcium And there’s not enough magnesium either, so it probably won’t be as beneficial.

can it go in a plastic bottle?

In theory yes and it should work fine. I prefer glass bottles whenever possible, especially since glass bottles are now readily available. You can find Glass Spray Bottles Here.

Can I use it on babies/children/my pets?

Be sure to ask your healthcare provider/veterinarian before using any product on a child or pet. However, I use this magnesium spray on my kids at night to help them sleep better.

Can I use magnesium during pregnancy/breastfeeding?

Supplements such as magnesium are generally considered beneficial during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but consult your midwife or doctor if you have any concerns. I have used it during several pregnancies with very good results,

It’s supposed to improve sleep, so why does it keep me awake?

There is a small group of people who react adversely to magnesium. While it promotes restful sleep for many people, some people have trouble falling asleep for a few hours after taking magnesium. After some experimentation, I found that I am part of this group and feel better in the morning after taking magnesium.

Why does this oil cause a burning/tingling sensation in some people?

One theory is that people who are magnesium deficient have a tingling or burning reaction to magnesium oil. I found it bothered me a lot at first, but I quickly got used to it and haven’t had any problems. However, I have no science to back up the deficiency theory. I also found that This Special Magnesium Oil There was no tingling or burning at all.

What do you think about adding essential oils to the mix?

There are some risks associated with it some essential oils But some can also be very beneficial. Adding a few drops of generally skin-safe oils (like lavender or sweet orange) smells nice and has some health benefits. As always, do your own research and ask a qualified aromatherapist for any personalized health advice.

Can it be used as a deodorant?

Yes! I have a different recipe for that a spray deodorant That’s basically the recipe anyway. Now this spray works great for me too.

Have you used magnesium to reduce stress or improve sleep? Have you ever tried making your own magnesium? Share below!

Homemade magnesium oil is a cost-effective way to increase your magnesium levels and may reduce stress, improve sleep, and improve health.
