Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater – Release date, trailers, platforms, and more

The Metal Gear franchise is one of the most loved stealth-playing franchises, and when you hear the name Snake Eater, fans are reminded of what an amazing experience that game was.

Now, it’s getting the remake treatment under a new name Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake EaterHere, we’ll break down everything we know about its release date, trailer, platforms, versions and more, so you can get excited for Naked Snake’s return.

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater release date

This time, The only official Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater release date we have is 2024,

However, it appears the official Gamestop X account has revealed the official release date in a now-deleted post.

In this post, it was stated that Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater “will arrive on 11.17” which means it will be in our hands on November 17, 2024.

MGS Delta Snake Eater Release Date Leaked

It is a Sunday though, a day on which there are usually very few game releases, so this could be a mistake on GameStop’s part. On the other hand, this will be the 20th anniversary of the original Snake Eater, so it’s certainly not out of the question.

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Trailer

Three trailers have been released for Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, each of which focuses on how much Konami has allowed us to see of the title.

First up in the trailer was an announcement trailer that at first glance didn’t look like a Metal Gear game at all, but more like a wildlife sim. However, at the end, Snake pops his head up, confirming that we are indeed heading back to the jungle.

The second trailer gave us our first in-engine look at what the graphics of the newly-modified Snake Eater will look like when you play.

This game definitely has a classic feel to it, but its visuals are something that are far superior to its predecessor.

And finally, we currently have the final trailer, which has already debuted. Xbox Games Showcase 2024This is the first ‘official’ full reveal of the game, including both cutscenes and gameplay, all contained in a nice two minute package.

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Platform

Thankfully, although the original Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater was a PS2 exclusive upon its initial release, Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater will release on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC,

This is great for those who didn’t get to experience the original game when it first came out, and it opens up the franchise to even more Metal Gear fans.

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Edition

Technically there are four Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Edition – Day One Edition, Deluxe Edition, Collector’s Pack, and then the standard base game.

The Day One Edition includes the game as well as an “early purchase bonus” that has not yet been announced. After the Day One Edition is over, only the base game will be sold, so there will technically be ‘three’ editions.

The Deluxe Edition is where things get a little fancy. It will include the Day One Edition of the game, the Sneaking DLC ​​pack, and bonus items including a steelbook, keyring, patch, and art card.

MGS Delta Snake Eater Deluxe EditionMGS Delta Snake Eater Deluxe Edition

As for the Collector’s Pack, although it has been announced, there are no further details on it. Since it will be a level up from the Deluxe Edition, we expect it to contain some collectibles, possibly a figurine that you will be able to place in your gaming setup.

Why is it called Metal Gear Solid Delta?

MGS Delta Snake Eater In-Game ShotMGS Delta Snake Eater In-Game Shot

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater is essentially a remake of the original game, so many expected the title to be similar, possibly adding “Remake” to the end to differentiate old and new.

However, Konami has taken a slightly different route and added the delta symbol to it, leaving most people a bit confused.

So why is it called Metal Gear Solid Delta then? According to Konami, The name reflects the “concept of a remake project” as the game will be true to the original “without changing its structure”,
