Microsoft could challenge GPT-4 and Google with new AI model: MAI-1

Microsoft is said to be entering another player in the AI ​​model market with its latest version ‘My-1’, and reports suggest that it may be better than the rest.

Although the tech giant has already invested more than $10 billion in OpenAI, the company is said to be training a new in-house AI model that can compete.

news comes from Information Joe says development of the larger language model is being led by former Google AI leader Mustafa Suleiman, who served as CEO of AI startup Inflection.

Inflection is a California-based company that creates conversational AI that you can talk to. Its team created a personal AI called Pi which was released in May 2023. Microsoft was one of its investors in a $1.3 billion funding round.

Both Suleman and the other co-founder of turnKaren Simonyan was poached by Microsoft in March 2024. Other team members also joined the pair at Microsoft.

MAI-1 is expected to be built entirely by Microsoft and is separate from Inflexion, but it could build on training data and other technology as they acquired in March for its intellectual property for the amount of $650 million. Had paid up the rights.

What do we know about Microsoft’s MAI-1?

Apart from this report, no official confirmation or news has been published about MAI-1.

Rumors suggest that it may have about 500 billion parameters, meaning that MAI-1 will be much larger than Microsoft’s previous open-source models such as Phi-3,

OpenAI’s GPT-4 is rumored to have over 1 trillion parameters and French AI tool Mistral is rumored to have 70 billion parameter models. Microsoft and Mistral signed a multi-year partnership in February.

While start-ups are finding their footing and making waves in AI like Anthropic and XAI, Microsoft is a big company that should have the huge amount of data needed to train the MAI-1 model.

According to the source, Microsoft is allocating a large cluster of servers with Nvidia GPUs and compiling training data from various sources for MAI-1. This includes public internet data as well as text generated from OpenAI’s GPT-4.

The information further details how a preview of MAI-1 could arrive at the Microsoft Build conference later this month (May 23-25) if development progresses.

Featured Image: Via Ideogram
