My 2024 Backyard Garden Plans and the Emotional Benefits of Gardening

The backyard garden beds are filled with hostas, ferns, and evergreens. A brick path runs through the large garden.

Gardening season is here in Minnesota and this year, I was eager to get an early start. In mid-April, I began clearing out our backyard garden beds. At the time, I wrote on Instagram that our backyard was going to become my entire personality. It was a joke… sort of? Either way, I’m determined to finally make my mark on our backyard garden beds, an area that has remained largely untouched since I moved into this house.

Today I’m sharing my backyard garden plans for 2024, what I’ve done so far, and some of the emotional benefits I’m getting from this new hobby.

How our backyard garden has evolved since 2020

When we moved into our house in 2020, backyard garden beds They were lush, yet overgrown and filled with weeds. Over the years, I have gone through a cycle of weeding these beds and leaving them alone. I have not planted any new plants in the areas that have been cleared, which only leaves room for invasive species to grow.

Lush backyard gardensLush backyard gardens
Our overgrown garden in 2020.

In comparison, the garden beds in our front yard are in pretty good condition. After several mature bushes, trees, and shrubs died last year, we decided to replant a new plant. large landscaping project to revive these gardens. I also planted bulbs here last fall – and struggled to keep the rabbits from eating them, an effort that was about 50% successful.

front gardenfront garden
Our front garden this spring.

My backyard garden plans for 2024

So far this year, I have paid attention to what is growing and what has died since last year. Joe and I have raked up piles of leaves and removed weeds including Common Burdock, Garlic Mustard, Creeping Charlie and Ground Elder. We also added mulch throughout the garden.

Garlic Mustard WeedGarlic Mustard Weed
I have pulled a lot of weeds this year. It is garlic mustard.

It was a lot of work, but clearing everything out is just the beginning. In past years, I’ve cleared these beds and gotten bogged down in deciding what to plant. Then, even more aggressive plants grew as a result. This year, we’re breaking that cycle!

For next steps, I am determined to have the plants in the ground by mid-June. Our backyard is shady, so whatever I plant must thrive in shady conditions. I want to follow this concept “Chaos Gardening” Using mostly (but not all) native plants. The goal is to select and plant a variety of species that will thrive well in the location without requiring too much care, then allow them to grow mostly wild.

Backyard Garden With No MulchBackyard Garden With No Mulch
The weeds were removed from the garden beds before the mulch was added this year, and the plants are thriving.
Adding mulch to the backyard gardenAdding mulch to the backyard garden

These are the established plants we currently have in our backyard:

  • Hostas
  • Astilbe
  • Evergreen
  • boxwood
  • Ferns

Here are some of the things I’m thinking of planting this year:

  • Maidenhair Fern
  • Foamflower
  • Blue False Indigo
  • More Hostas
  • bleeding heart
  • More Astilbe
  • One type of fruit

I’m trying to be realistic about the time, energy, and space I have. While the process may not be perfect, I know that filling the backyard with plants that are meant to thrive in that area will be a huge step in the right direction.

Emotional Benefits of Gardening

During my years as a beginner gardener, I have learned that gardening takes time and effort, and the results are always changing. It is not just about the result, but also about the experience and the benefits that come with it. There is ample research supporting the positive benefits of gardening—This recent article From the new York Times Reference is made to several such studies.

A woman in dirty overalls after an afternoon of gardeningA woman in dirty overalls after an afternoon of gardening

Gardening is a great way to relax and relieve stress, and it’s a great source of exercise! But the benefits of gardening go beyond the physical. It can also have a positive effect on your emotional health. I think this is a big reason I take the time to invest in these spaces. Gardening forces me to slow down, be patient, and spend time outside. I feel so good and satisfied when I get out and do it.

I am now thinking about joining a community group of gardeners in my neighborhood to learn more and meet new people. I think it would be a great way to learn from other gardeners! I look forward to revisiting this post in a year and seeing how far these places have progressed.
