Need to address inequities in access to malaria prevention services: WHO Regional Director Saima Wazed – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: On the eve of world malaria day, WHO Regional Director Saima Wajed for South-East Asia said there was a need to address the huge disparities in access to malaria prevention, detection and treatment services.

“In recent years, global efforts to reduce malaria have stagnated, posing a major threat to public health and exacerbating inequities within communities. Everyone deserves access to quality, timely and affordable malaria services. have a right, yet it remains elusive for many, perpetuating a cycle “Inequality disproportionately impacts the most vulnerable among us,” Wazed said.

Speaking about the risks to infants and young children, Wazed said, “Infants and young children, especially children under the age of five, are particularly affected, given inequalities in access to education and financial resources. “Increases the risk.”

at the risk of pregnant women Because they are more vulnerable to infection, she said, “Pregnant women also face an increased risk, as pregnancy reduces immunity to malaria, making them more vulnerable to infection and severe disease.” Gender inequalities, discrimination and harmful gender norms further increase their vulnerability.”

“Without timely and appropriate intervention, malaria in pregnancy can have devastating consequences, including severe anemia, maternal death, stillbirth, preterm delivery, and low birth weight,” Wazed said.

Speaking about the threat of malaria to displaced people, Wajed said that Climate change And humanitarian emergencies Increase the challenges.

“Refugees, migrants, internally displaced people and indigenous peoples are also at increased risk of malaria, they are often excluded from disease control efforts and face adverse conditions where malaria thrives. Climate change and humanitarian “Emergencies exacerbate these challenges, displacing populations and making them more vulnerable to disease,” she said.

The WHO regional chief said that despite such threats, malaria cases in the region have declined significantly.

“Malaria remains a significant public health challenge in our region, affecting nine out of eleven countries and accounting for one third of the global burden outside Africa. Despite the formidable obstacles we face, in recent years “I am encouraged by the progress we have made. In recent years, our region has seen significant declines in malaria cases and deaths, the most significant decline among all WHO regions.”

Wajed said he is encouraged by the progress made by countries such as Bhutan, Nepal and Timor-Leste under the e-2025 initiative, which is demonstrated with political commitment and collective action. malaria eradication Is within reach.

Timor-Leste’s achievement of malaria-free status for three consecutive years is a remarkable milestone, underscoring the power of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity, he said.

“These achievements are a testament to the dedication and tireless efforts of health workers, policy makers and communities across our region,” Wazed said.

Highlighting that the world’s journey towards malaria elimination is far from over, Wajed said, “Although many countries are on track to meet the goals of the Global Technical Strategy (GTS), challenges remain “There have been significant spikes in cases, especially in countries like Indonesia and Myanmar, which have seen a rise in cases.” increase.”

“Political and social instability in Myanmar has contributed to a seven-fold increase in cases, highlighting the important interconnectedness between health and broader socio-political factors,” he said.

The presence of Plasmodium vivax in some countries creates unique challenges, Wazed said, adding that some imported cases require cross-border surveillance.

“The dominance of P. vivax in some countries presents unique challenges, requiring tailored strategies for effective control and treatment. Additionally, the threat of imported cases in countries such as Bhutan, Nepal, and Timor-Leste requires regional cooperation and border Underlines the importance of cross-surveillance to prevent resurgence and achieve sustainable malaria elimination,” she said.

WHO regional chief calls for renewed focus on barriers health equityGender equality, and human rights in malaria responses.

“We must redouble our efforts to overcome these challenges and ensure that all individuals, regardless of their socio-economic status or geographic location, have access to life-saving malaria prevention, diagnosis and treatment,” Wajed said. Have access to treatment services.”

  • Published on April 24, 2024 at 06:07 pm IST

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