On the 35th Anniversary of Tiananmen Square – United States Department of State

Today, on the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, we remember the thousands of peaceful Chinese pro-democracy protesters who were brutally attacked for standing up for freedom, human rights, and the elimination of corruption. Thirty-five years later, the actual deaths on that day are still unknown, but we honor all those killed and imprisoned on June 4, 1989, and the days that followed.

We also honor the many voices now silenced across the country, including in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong. We will continue to speak out and work closely with the international community to promote accountability for human rights abuses by the PRC both within and outside its borders. We reiterate the call of the brave Tiananmen protesters that the PRC recognize and respect the human rights and fundamental freedoms enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which it is a signatory. We also call on the PRC to accept the many recommendations made during this year’s Universal Periodic Review of its human rights record, including the unconditional release of those arbitrarily and unjustly detained.

While Beijing seeks to suppress memories of June 4, the United States stands in solidarity with those who continue to struggle for human rights and individual freedoms. The courage and sacrifice of those who stood up in Tiananmen Square 35 years ago will never be forgotten.
