OpenAI’s ChatGPT announcement: What we know so far | TechCrunch

OpenAI plans a livestream announcement for Monday at 10 a.m. PT — but it’s trying to keep expectations in check.

The company is describing the event as “a chance to showcase some ChatGPT and GPT-4 updates.” Meanwhile, CEO Sam Altman, Promoted the program with the message, “No GPT-5, no search engine, but we’re working hard on some new things we think people will love! “It feels like magic to me.”

Altman’s words were probably pointing towards this A report from Reuters Published earlier this week, suggesting that OpenAI plans to announce AI-powered search product On Monday – steal some thunder Google I/O developer conference, which starts Tuesday. The report also said that the announcement date is “subject to change.”

The Information and Bloomberg previously reported that OpenAI has a search product in development. According to the information, the product will be Partially powered by Bing (Microsoft is A major OpenAI investor and partner, Bloomberg said it would happen Act as a feature within ChatGPTAllows the chatbot to search the web and cite sources – making it less of a black box that returns answers of unknown origin.

So in theory, at least, OpenAI could announce a search feature on Monday And Altman’s insistence that it is “not a search engine” may still be true. we will see.

The livestream begins Monday at 10 a.m. PT. you can Visit the OpenAI website,
