Paris Hilton Shares Update on ‘Iconic’ ‘Simple Life’ Reunion Show

Paris Hilton is ready to give fans more Simple LifeET’s Rachel Smith spoke with the DJ in New York City on Thursday, and Hilton, 43, teased what fans can expect when she and nicole richie Resurrected His favorite reality series,

“We’re going to start production on it soon. It’s going to be a great movie,” Hilton promised. “Nicole and I have been best friends since we were 2 years old, so I can’t wait to get back together for this. It’s going to be so much fun.”

Simple Lifewhich ran for five seasons from 2003 to 2007, follows Hilton and Richie as they try to work different blue-collar jobs. The follow-up series – which will air on Peacock – Was declared In May, both of them teasing“New era. Same besties.”

“Paris and Nicole are so excited to be working together again,” a source told ET After the announcement. “The show will be based on nostalgia. They will not be leaving their families and going to some remote location like they did in the show. Simple LifeBut the show will have a reunion feel to it.”

“It was an obvious thing for them to work together again and it was going to happen for a long time,” the source said. “They were looking for the right partner and the right streaming network to make this happen. They feel great together and their fans are eager to see them in action again.”

Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie in 2001. , David Klein/Getty Images

While fans are eagerly awaiting the new series, Hilton also has plenty of other projects in the works. On Tuesday, for instance, Hilton was celebrating the release of her book. Paris: MemoirsIn paperback.

“I have so much to reveal in this new chapter of my book, which has just come out,” she said of the paperback edition. “I’m so proud of my memoir and how much it contains [of an] The impact it has had has been incredible. The response has been incredible, so being vulnerable and telling my story has been amazing.”

Now, however, Hilton said she feels like she’s in her “pop star/mom era.” When it comes to the pop star/mom era, Hilton is preparing to release the first song from her album, “I’m Free.” Infinity signOn 21st June.

“I’m so proud of this song,” she said. “It’s such an anthem and it’s the perfect time for people to be free with Pride and be who they want to be.”

As for what fans can expect from the album, which drops on Sept. 6, Hilton said, “Sia is the executive producer of this whole album. She’s incredible. She’s so talented and putting this whole album together has been the best year ever.”

Her wonderful year also includes babies Phoenix (1 month) and London (7 months). Two children She shares with her husband, Carter Ream,

“Both London and Phoenix are in New York with me, so it’s a lot of fun to travel together. They’re great travelers,” the proud mom praised. “… [My sister] Nicky [Hilton] His kids come over and watching them play together reminds me of my own cousins ​​when I was growing up, so it’s really nice to see the next generation of them.”

When it comes to followers Criticize his parentingHilton opted to take the high road.

“I’m a new mom, so I’m learning as I go,” she told ET. “The whole world is looking at me, but I really appreciate when moms come to me with advice, from a good place, from love and support. It’s so great to have this whole community of moms, especially on TikTok, where we can all get advice from each other.”

Watch the video below for more from Hilton.

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