Perfect Dark – Release date speculation, trailers, platforms, and everything we know

There’s been talk of a new Perfect Dark for a while now, with the original version being released nearly 25 years ago.

Thankfully, Xbox has answered fans’ prayers and released the aptly named Perfect Dark (confusing, I know) a complete reboot of the series, bringing it into today’s modern age.

So that you can enhance your knowledge about the game and find out more, we will be detailing Perfect Dark’s release date, trailer, platforms, and more, so that you can get ahead of the rest.

Is there a release date for Perfect Dark?

Unfortunately, although the game has been in development for quite some time, Perfect Dark has no release date,

A release date hasn’t even been announced by Xbox yet, which is somewhat surprising since we’ve known about this title for several years now.

However, based on the trailers we’re guessing Perfect Dark will launch in 2026 – that’s six years after the initial reveal.

We think so because recently Xbox Games ShowcaseMost of the games shown were 2025 releases, and had that year attached to them as a window. However, Perfect Dark simply cut to black – no date was given – and since we’ve actually seen some footage of the game, 2026 is probably the target here.

Perfect Dark Trailer

Two trailers have been released for Perfect Dark – the announcement, and the gameplay reveal.

As you might expect, the announcement trailer was simply a cinematic look at the world of Perfect Dark.

This reflects the futuristic look and feel of the game, as well as the tone of the story, which comes with a drone-like camera in constant motion.

However, the gameplay trailer did give us a first glimpse at what kind of visuals we can expect to see in the game, as well as some of Joanna Dark’s secret moves.

It also features some gadgets that you’ll be able to use against the enemy, allowing you to escape any battle and reach hidden areas.

Given that no release date has been set for the game, the gameplay in the trailer looked pretty polished, which is promising for fans eager to get their hands on this title.

Perfect Dark Platform

There has been no statement from Xbox about which platforms the game will be released on. But, since we estimate that Perfect Dark won’t release before 2026, Chances are it will be an Xbox Series X|S and PC title,

While Xbox tends to make its games available on PlayStation as well, we don’t think we’ll see that at launch for Perfect Dark, or in any case.

Is Perfect Dark available on Game Pass?

As with other details about Perfect Dark, there’s no official confirmation that the title will be Game PassHowever, it’s a pretty safe bet that it will join the service, possibly on day one.

This is because Perfect Dark is being made by The Initiative and Crystal Dynamics, with Crystal Dynamics being an Xbox Games Studios developer, and anything made by an internal Xbox studio will be on Game Pass when it launches.

Who is the voice of Joanna Dark in Perfect Dark?

A shot from behind of Joanna Dark in Perfect Dark

Since Joanna Dark is returning for the reboot of the franchise, who will voice her this time?

Well, even though Xbox didn’t reveal the name, The actress herself Instead the world has been told.

Alix Wilton Regan will play Joanna DarkAn actress who has appeared in other video games such as Assassin’s Creed: Origins and Dragon Age: Inquisition.

If you’ve played the original Perfect Dark or Perfect Dark Zero, you’ll know that Regan isn’t the original voice of Dark, but if you’ve seen the gameplay, you can already tell that she’s a great fit for the role.
