PlayStation 4 Emulator shadPS4 shaping up to run Bloodborne on the PC

If you’ve missed out on enjoying the PlayStation 4 in your life, then you’ve also missed out on playing Bloodborne, one of the best games to come out for the system, but it looks like that might change in the near future, as there’s a new PS4 emulator available for PC that has managed to boot up the game and get to the character selection screen.

Everyone loves Bloodborne, really, we’ve got that covered Elden Ring Mod Only the second day for this, but this is different, this is the possibility of running the actual game on our gaming rig, and maybe, just maybe, a lot more perfectly.

Emulators are a big deal as we’ve seen from launch Dolphin was renewed earlier this weekBut the high hardware demands of recent consoles can push even the most powerful PCs beyond their limits.

Now GeorgeMorales has shown version 0.1.1 of it on YouTube shadPS4 Booting up Bloodborne, and while you can’t play the game right away, history tells us that once things start moving they tend to pick up speed to the point where everything works fine.

Shadps4 is already capable of running parts of some games and as announced on the projects GitHub page, this latest version along with the new shader recompiler suggests that they now have a lot of games starting to work.

Getting Emu up and running is a very difficult task, and a lot of work has to be done moving things around and adjusting them to make the game think it’s actually running on a PlayStation 4, when in fact it isn’t.

This isn’t the first PlayStation to get an emulation feature, the emulation of the PS1 and PS2 is now getting to be near perfect, and while the PS3 took a while due to its slightly awkward architecture, it is now capable of running almost anything to some extent.
