Quest 3 v66 update – what changes does it bring to Meta’s flagship VR headset?

Meta has been rolling out updates and new features to its Quest 3 headset at a rapid pace, and as great as these features are, we’re yet to see any major changes planned that would bring its user interface in line with Apple’s Vision Pro.

The Quest 3 is a really good VR headset, you can read what we think here It’s worth buying right hereOne of its key features is the passthrough camera that allows you to use believable mixed reality or even prevent yourself from falling on top of the dog.

The last few updates have seen dramatic changes in passthrough quality New upcoming v66 software update This will get further boost.

Improved passthrough in v66

The big change here in v66 is what Meta is calling reduced passthrough distortion. If you used the Quest 3, you may have noticed a strange effect with your hands being slightly distorted when moving them around, despite being affected by passthrough. This is caused by a variety of optical hoops that the cameras need to jump through to represent your virtual hands in real-world space. This effect can also be seen with other objects as the cameras are right next to your face and present the environment around you from a different perspective than your eyes.

Meta has managed to refine the image quality to make things more realistic in mixed reality, so that this distortion is much less obvious after receiving the update.

Well, science. You can watch the video to see the improvement yourself.

Background Audio

Previously when you were playing audio in the browser, the sound would stop if you minimized the app, meaning you couldn’t carry on with your Spotify tunes while you do something else, like a nice game of Golf+.

Now you can do that. So now you can listen to your favorite podcast and do anything else at the same time. You should also keep the sound on on your 3D movie While you quickly exit the app to view the message.

New buttons

Meta has also added new buttons on the wrists of your virtual hands, which basically means we can access all the menus and other things much easier. A nice little quality of life change.

When will the v66 update be released?

The update is rolling out now. The meta updates slowly as usual, so you might not have it right now, but if you have it set in your options, your Quest 3 will download it automatically soon. If not, just keep checking back regularly.
