Residencias de adultos mayores quedan a oscuras en la lucha contra los incendios forestales – KFF Health News

One day, after a fire killed several people around Boulder, Colorado, the state’s largest public utility company provided power to 52,000 people and businesses, including Frazier, a home for mostly adults and special heating centers.

This was the first time Xcel Energy had initiated a fire to protect power supplies in Colorado, following a responsibility on the part of the company.

This practice is also known as public safety power cables, It is located in California Y You are expanding to other locations Burning and igniting power lines is the way they spark fires and feed the country’s most frequent and intense fires.

In Boulder, Frazier’s people and residents were outraged by the news. A Frazier function called the electric company to confirm and for the first time reported that the cylinder was not actually infected. Frazier’s vice president of operations Tomas Mendez clarified that the company started calling to inform him that his residence was also suffering from an infestation. On April 6, he said it took 75 minutes before Excel Energy turned off the lights.

Staff sought to prepare a 20-acre campus that could accommodate about 500 residents. Generators power oxygen machines, most refrigerators and freezers, nearby lamps and Wi-Fi connections for phones and computers.

Although the heating system and some lighting permanently lower the night temperature to about 30°F.

The electric Suministro was held in Frazier for about 28 hours. During the attack, residents of the center and its staff at the seniors’ residence were outraged, Mendez said, many of them.

“These people depend on all of us: food, care and medicine,” he said.

When I turned off the light, even 24 hours after the crisis, I was stressed and expensive, including the cost of recharging fuel for the generator, says Agrego Méndez.

“We are lucky because we have not suffered any kind of pain, but that can happen when there are power outages, hopefully or not. It’s all at risk,” said Mendez.

To normalize preventive electrical cables, most adult households need to evaluate the method of preparation. But you should not only depend on your households, but also on the responsibilities of the area and the academics.

A good communication between power companies and residences, and their inclusion in regional preparedness plans before disasters, are fundamental to maintaining the safety of residents.

“We need to prioritize these people because when we turn off the light, the first thing we notice is that the power has gone off,” said David Dosa, chief of geriatrics and professor of medicine at the University of Massachusetts (UMass) Faculty of Medicine.

Restoring electric power to most adult hospitals and residences was a priority during the sale, I wrote to you in an email by Tyler Bryant, Excel Energy. However, it is recognized that public safety energy cables could be better, and the public service company works with the community and the Colorado Public Service Commission to help health centers be well prepared for long-term energy cables in the future.

Xcel Energy issued Public Safety Energy Cards when the announcement was made, and more than 100 million people had called in by April 6. About 275,000 customers were without power due to the sale.

Officials are on standby because the Marshall fire killed two people in Boulder and destroyed more than 1,000 homes and devastated the communities of Louisville and Superior two years and more ago. The fire turned into a disaster, and an electric line from Xcel Energy that blocked their path was damaged by the storm “The cause was more probable” One of them.

“A preventive fire lowered the temperature because the electrical Suminold did not know when it was stable. You don’t call this period,” explained Jenny Albertson, quality and regulatory director for the Colorado Health Care Association and Center for Assisted Living.

read ahead Study published last yearOnly about 3 million of those homes, mostly in the eastern part of the country, are in the most fire-risk zone. However, homes in the eastern and Pacific Northwest regions of Montana that are at higher risk of fire must meet federal emergency preparedness criteria.

Federal directors must ensure that residences follow disaster response plans that include: Emergency Power Supply or evacuation from the building. These plans do not include contingencies necessary for public safety power cables, which They said In the last five years, but you are relatively new. And homes in the eastern part of the country have been made eager to wait all day long.

The California Association of Health Centers hopes there will be more stringent legislation requiring larger cities to provide emergency electric bus service. Over $1,000 million. However, according to Corey Egel, the association’s director of public organizations, the situation has not provided grounds for the league to plan to renovate these centers. The association has paid property owners who rewrote this application five years ago to renew it until January 1, 2029.

Most of these centers operated under the terms of the federal control, indicating dosa, and incredibly worked to set up an old building to spend the day with the new rules.

Frazier’s three buildings are home to 300 independent apartment residents, each of whom has its own owners, in addition to two manufacturers, for living and special heating, but are in no way connected to air conditioning or emergency heating as these systems require energy.

“When we plan for the future with preventive energy, the types of things we have in mind when we plan for the future with preventive energy,” Mendez said, are maintaining residents in a cool environment under 10-degree darkness or fresh air during 90-degree summers in Boulder.

Federal Auditorium on Preparing for Emergencies at Mayors’ Residences California Y Colorado Detection of deficiencies in installations.

In Colorado, according to the information, 20 out of 20 housing are related to emergency and lack of energy. They made three plans for alternative energy sources, such as generators, and some documents that show that the generators were definitely checked, placed and inspected.

According to Debra Saliba, director of the Anna and Harry Borun Center at UCLA Gerontological Investigations, mayor housing as part of emergency response missions can help respond effectively before any type of attack occurs. Your study is on the main houses A 6.7-meter-high motor that secured the Los Angeles area in 1994, it was intended to integrate large homes in Los Angeles into the simulation of planes and community disasters.

Due to the frequent occurrences, most people’s residences may be left empty-handed during emergencies, as government agencies or public services do not consider health centers, such as hospitals or dialysis centers, so they become sick.

In Colorado, Albertson worked with hospitals and community emergency response coalitions to include older adult residences in preparedness plans for disasters.

Bryant indicated that Xcel Energy’s plan for the health centers does not involve facing a challenge in Public Safety Energy Court; but that it will not move quickly because it is stagnant.

Julie Soltis, Frazier’s communications director, said the residence had adequate wiring, cables and batteries installed on the landing. However, Frazier planned for the defenders to return to the front floors and during a community reunion, they expressed the residents’ desire for independent living and purchased their own reserve energy for mobile phones and other electronic devices, she said.

He expressed hope that his center would be protected at the next public security court, that at least there would be more time to respond.

“Because of time and climate change, that will never happen,” he said.

This story is produced by KFF health NewsA national research initiative focused on in-depth treatment of health issues, which is one of the core programs KFFA source of independent inquiry into the politics of health, crime and libel.

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