Secretary Antony J. Blinken And People’s Republic of China Director of the Chinese Communist Party Central Foreign Affairs Commission and Foreign Minister Wang Yi Before Their Meeting – United States Department of State

Foreign Minister Wang: (Through interpreter) Secretary of State (inaudible) Over the past ten (inaudible) years, China-US relations have gone through ups and downs (inaudible) after the (inaudible) change of our two presidents, a big change this The relationship has declined (inaudible) and recovered (inaudible) We managed to return to Bali, reach San Francisco and then travel to (inaudible) from San Francisco.

Overall, China-US relations are beginning to stabilize. Both our sides have enhanced dialogue, cooperation and positive aspects of the relationship in all areas. It has been welcomed by the people of both our countries and the international community. But at the same time, negative factors in the relationship are still growing and building, and the relationship is facing all kinds of disruptions. China’s legitimate development rights have been unjustly suppressed and our core interests are facing challenges.

Should China and the United States continue on the right path of moving forward with stability or regress downwards? This is a big question facing both our countries and tests our honesty and capability (inaudible). Should our two sides lead international cooperation against global issues and achieve win-win for all, or engage in rivalry and confrontation or even fall into conflict, which will be detrimental to all? will be? The international community is waiting for our reply.

China’s attitude is consistent; We always keep in mind the (inaudible) vision of a shared future for mankind and (inaudible) develop China-US relations from this global perspective. We have always acted with a sense of responsibility towards people, the world and the future.

China’s position has been consistent. We always adhere to the principles set forth by President Xi Jinping, which are mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, and are committed to a stable, healthy and sustainable China-US relationship.

China’s concerns remain constant. We have always called for respect for each other’s core interests and urged the United States not to interfere in China’s internal affairs, not to hinder China’s development, and to safeguard China’s sovereignty, security and development interests. But don’t step on China’s red lines.

Your visit this time is part of efforts to implement the common understanding of our Presidents on maintaining communication, managing differences, advancing cooperation and strengthening coordination on international affairs. I look forward to a deep exchange of ideas with you today. Thank you.

Secretary Blinken: Mr. Director, thank you for welcoming us today and hosting us here in Beijing. it’s good to be back.

Just yesterday we had a nice trip to Shanghai – good, candid talks with Party Secretary Chen, with Chinese and American students who are working and learning together, with our business community which is very active here in China.

But in Beijing, the President asked me to travel back to build on the agreements our two presidents reached in San Francisco late last year: resuming counter-narcotics cooperation; resuming our military-to-military dialogue; Thinking together about the future of artificial intelligence – its risks and security issues; and striving to strengthen our people-to-people ties; But also, critically, managing our differences responsibly.

Moving forward on the agenda set by our presidents requires active diplomacy, and in our view, there is no substitute for face-to-face diplomacy to try to move forward, but also to ensure that we Let’s be as clear as possible about the areas where we have differences, at least to avoid misunderstandings, to avoid miscalculations. This is indeed a shared responsibility not only to our own people but also to people around the world, given the worldwide impact of the relations between our countries.

I expect to be very clear, very direct in these discussions about the areas where we have differences and where the United States stands, and I have no doubt that you will do the same on behalf of China. But I underline again that it is vital that we do so – it is vital to demonstrate that we are responsibly managing the most consequential relationship, for both of us, in the world. I hope that we can make some progress on the issues that our presidents agreed that we should cooperate on, but we can also clarify our differences, our intentions and make that clear to each other. Can do from where we stand.

So again, thanks for having us here today. As always, I look forward to a very good discussion.
