Secretary Blinken’s Visit to the People’s Republic of China – United States Department of State

The following can be attributed to spokesperson Matthew Miller:

Foreign Minister Antony J. Blinken traveled to Shanghai and Beijing, People’s Republic of China, for meetings with President Xi Jinping, Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China (CCP) and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, and Wang, Minister of Public Security. Xiaohong, and Shanghai Party Secretary Chen Jining from 24–26 April.

The two sides held in-depth, substantive and constructive discussions on key priorities in bilateral relations and a number of regional and global issues. The Secretary emphasized that the United States will continue to use diplomacy to make progress on areas of difference and areas of cooperation that are important to the American people and the world as part of responsibly managing competition with the PRC.

The Secretary pressed for continued progress in implementing the leaders’ Woodside Summit commitments on key issues, including counternarcotics efforts to disrupt the global flow of synthetic drugs – including fentanyl and their precursor chemicals – to the United States. Advancing cooperation, including enhancing military-to-military communications. To avoid miscalculation and conflict, and to initiate dialogue on managing the risks and security challenges posed by advanced forms of artificial intelligence.

The two sides also discussed the importance of strengthening ties between the people of the United States and China. The Secretary stressed the importance of responsible and reciprocal policies to facilitate expanded exchanges between students, scholars and businesses.

The Secretary addressed the PRC’s non-market economic policies and practices that distort trade or threaten our national security and raised concerns about the global economic consequences of PRC industrial capacity overcapacity. He advocated fair treatment and equal opportunity for American workers and business. The Secretary reiterated that the United States will continue to take necessary actions to protect our interests and values ​​and those of our allies and partners, including those without unduly limiting trade or investment that undermine our national security and economy. This also includes stopping using technologies.

The Secretary stressed that resolving the cases of U.S. citizens wrongfully detained in China or subject to exit bans remains a top priority. He expressed concern over the erosion of Hong Kong’s autonomy and democratic institutions and the PRC’s human rights violations in Xinjiang and Tibet, as well as international repression and individual cases of concern.

The Secretary expressed grave concern over the PRC’s support of Russia’s defense industrial base, which is enabling Russia to wage war against Ukraine and undermine European and transatlantic security.

The Secretary underlined the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and reiterated that there is no change in the United States’ One China policy, which is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, three Joint Communiques, and six assurances.

They expressed concern over the PRC’s destabilizing actions in the Second Thomas Shoal and the importance of maintaining the rule of law and freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. The Secretary discussed the need to prevent escalation of the crisis in the Middle East. He underlined the United States’ enduring commitment to the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

The two sides reaffirmed the importance of maintaining open lines of communication at all times and agreed to continue high-level diplomacy and dialogue between the United States and the PRC in the times to come.
