Spawning wants to build more ethical AI training data sets | TechCrunch

Founded by Jordan Meyer and Matthew Dryhurst Spawning AI to create tools that help artists have more control over how their work is used online. His latest project, called Source.plusaims to curate “non-infringing” media for AI model training.

The first initiative of the Source.plus project is a data set filled with nearly 40 million public domain images and images under it. Creative Commons’ CC0 licensewhich allows creators to give up nearly all legal interest in their works. Mayer claims that, despite the fact that it is substantially smaller than Some other generative AI training data sets There, Source.Plus’s data set is already “high enough quality” to train state-of-the-art image-generation models.

“With Source.plus, we’re building a universal ‘opt-in’ platform,” said Meyer. “Our goal is to make it easy for rights holders to offer their media for use in generative AI training — on their own terms — and to make it easy for developers to incorporate that media into their training workflows.”

Rights Management

Debate around the ethics of training generative AI models, particularly art-generating models such as these Stable diffusion and OpenAI’s Dell-E3continues unabated — and has huge implications for artists, though the dust does eventually settle.

Generative AI models “learn” to produce their outputs, for example photorealistic art, by training on a vast amount of relevant data — in that case, images. Some developers of these models argue that fair use gives them the right to scrape data from public sources, regardless of the copyright status of that data. Others have attempted to compensate, or at least credit, content owners for their contributions to the training set.

Spawning CEO Meyer believes no one has yet agreed on the best approach.

“AI training often defaults to using the easiest data available — which isn’t always the most unbiased or responsibly sourced,” he told TechCrunch in an interview. “Artists and rights holders have little control over how their data is used for AI training, and developers don’t have high-quality alternatives that make it easy to respect data rights.”

Source.plus, which is available in limited beta, builds on Spawning’s existing tools for art provenance and usage rights management.

In 2022, the spawning made Am I trainedA website that allows creators to opt out of training data sets used by vendors partnered with Spawning, including Hugging Face and Stability AI. After raising $3 million in venture capital from investors including True Ventures and Seed Club Ventures, Spawning launched ai.text, a way for websites to “set permissions” for AI, and a system — Kuduru — to defend against data-scraping bots.

Source.plus is Spawning’s first attempt at building a media library — and curating that library in-house. Meyer says the initial image data set, PD/CC0, can be used for commercial or research applications.

Source.plus library.
Image Credit: The producer

“Source.plus is not just a repository of training data; it is an enrichment platform with tools to support the training pipeline,” he added. “Our goal is to create a high-quality, non-infringing CC0 data set capable of supporting a powerful base AI model available within the year.”

Organizations including Getty Images, Adobe, Shutterstock, and AI startup Bria claim to use only unbiased sourced data for model training. (Getty goes so far as to call its generative AI products “commercially safe.”) But Mayer says spawning aims to set a “higher standard” for unbiased sourced data.

Source.Plus filters images for “opt-out” and other artist training preferences, revealing how and where the images were obtained. It also excludes images that are not licensed under CC0, including those that have a license Creative Commons BY 1.0 LicenseThat requires attribution. And Spawning says it is monitoring copyright challenges from sources where someone other than the creators is responsible for indicating the copyright status of a work, such as Wikimedia Commons.

“We carefully verified the reported licenses of the collected images, and any suspicious licenses were excluded — a step that many ‘unbiased’ datasets do not take,” said Meyer.

Historically, problematic images – including violent and pornographic, sensitive personal images – have plagued both open and commercial training data sets.

Maintainers of the LAION data set were forced to take a library offline after the report exposed medical record And Depictions of child sexual abuseJust this week, Study Human Rights Watch found that one of LAION’s collections included the faces of Brazilian children without the consent or knowledge of those children. On the other hand, Adobe’s stock media library, Adobe Stock, which the company uses to train its generative AI models, including the art-generating Firefly image model, was also included. It was found to have AI generated images From rivals including Midjorn.

Spawning Source.Plus
Source.Plus artwork in gallery.
Image Credit: The producer

Spawning’s solution is a classifier model trained to detect nudity, gore, personally identifiable information and other undesirable bits in images. Understanding that no classifier is perfect, Spawning plans to let users “flexibly” filter the Source.Plus data set by adjusting the classifier’s detection threshold, Meyer says.

“We employ moderators to verify data ownership,” Mayer said. “We also have moderation features, where users can flag objectionable or potentially infringing actions, and an audit of how that data was used.”


Most programs compensate authors for their generative AI training data contributions did not do exceptionally wellSome programs rely on opaque metrics to calculate creators’ payouts, while others are paying amounts that artists consider unfairly low.

Take Shutterstock, for example. The stock media library, which has struck deals with AI vendors amounts up to millions of dollarsShutterstock pays for artwork in “contributor funds” that it uses to fund its generative AI models or license them to third-party developers. But Shutterstock isn’t transparent about what artists can expect to earn, nor does it allow artists to set their own prices and terms; one third-party estimate puts the average artist earning about $15 for 2,000 images, which isn’t exactly a huge amount.

When Source.Plus exits beta later this year and expands to data sets beyond PD/CC0, it will take a different approach than other platforms, allowing artists and rights holders to set their own prices per download. Spawning will charge a fee, but only a flat rate — “a tenth of a penny,” says Meyer.

Customers can also choose to pay Spawning $10 per month — plus a per image download fee — for Source.Plus Curation, a subscription plan that allows them to privately manage a collection of images, download data up to 10,000 times a month, and gain early access to new features like “premium” collections and data enrichment.

Spawning Source.Plus
Image Credit: The producer

“We will provide guidance and recommendations based on existing industry standards and internal metrics, but ultimately contributors to the data set will determine what is meaningful to them,” Mayer said. “We intentionally chose this pricing model to give artists a larger share of revenue and allow them to set their own terms for participating. We believe this revenue split is significantly more favorable to artists than the more common percentage revenue split, and will lead to higher payouts and greater transparency.”

If Source.plus gets the popularity that Spawning hopes for, Spawning intends to expand it beyond images to other types of media, including audio and video. Spawning is in discussions with unnamed firms to make their data available on Source.plus. And, Mayer says Spawning could create its own generative AI models using data from the Source.plus data set.

“We hope that rights holders who want to participate in the generative AI economy will have the opportunity to do so and be fairly compensated,” Meyer said. “We also hope that artists and developers who have felt conflicted about engaging with AI will have the opportunity to do so in a way that is respectful of other creatives.”

Certainly, spawning has a special place here. Source.plus seems to be one of the most promising attempts to involve artists in the generative AI development process — and let them share in the profits from their work.

As my colleague Amanda recently wrote, the rise of apps like the art-hosting community prisonAfter Meta announced that it could train its generative AI on content from Instagram, including artist content, it saw a surge in usage, indicating that the creative community has reached a breaking point. They are desperate for alternatives to the companies and platforms they consider thieves – and Source.Plus might just be a viable alternative.

But if spawning always works in the best interests of artists (which is a big deal, since spawning is a VC-backed business), I wonder if Source.plus can move forward as successfully as Mayer envisions. If social media has taught us anything, it’s that moderation — especially of millions of pieces of user-generated content — is a tough problem.

We will know soon.
