Targeting Houthi Weapons Procurement Networks – United States Department of State

Since November 2023, the Houthis have recklessly threatened global freedom of navigation in the Red Sea. Today, we are imposing sanctions on key actors, some based in the PRC, that have enabled Houthi forces to generate revenue and acquire a range of materials needed to manufacture advanced weapons used to conduct ongoing terrorist attacks against US and allied interests. The United States is designating three individuals and six entities that have helped procure weapons for the Houthis. We are also identifying a vessel owned by one of these entities as a blocked asset.

Houthi attacks on unarmed commercial vessels continue to disrupt shipping in a vital waterway. The United States is committed to using all means available to us to stop the flow of military-grade materials into Yemen, which enable the Houthis to carry out these terrorist attacks.

The Treasury Department today took action pursuant to the counterterrorism authority Executive Order 13224, as amended. For more information on today’s action, see Treasury’s order. Press release,
