The Best Fallout 4 VR Mods to make you think you are actually in the show

The world has gone mad Amazon Prime TV presentation Everyone’s favorite post-apocalyptic video game just got really popular. In turn, people are coming back to the game in droves and modding the living daylights out of it, but there’s one version of Fallout 4 that hasn’t received as much attention, and today we’re putting that right.

Take out your PCVR headset – whether it’s your index, your Pimax Crystal, or even your link-up Meta Quest 3 We’re really going into the Wasteland and we’re going to make sure it looks the best it possibly can. You can also get yours fallout backpack Get on if you really want to feel the part.

How to mod fallout 4 vr

The official Fallout 4 VR version, just like the Skyrim VR version, can be modified to your heart’s content. One thing worth highlighting here is that PCVR takes a lot of juice, your PC and headset will melt if it comes to graphical boost, so stay sensible and follow our instructions. A lot of these mods will improve the experience, not necessarily make the game look photo-realistic.

As always we’re going to be using Nexus Mods (whose premium account prices are going up quite dramatically next month, so you might want to get there early – just saying. There you’ll find something from our list More Fallout 4 VR mods can be found here so feel free to add more or change some of our suggestions to suit your situation.

Best Fallout 4 VR Mod

Instead of individual mods, we’re going to start with a mod pack called AJC559 top vr experiences, It’s a 37GB download that will install tons of mods for you without any glitches. If you want an easy way to mod your Fallout 4 VR, go here.

Now onto the individual mods.

Full Player Body with IK

FRIK mod of Fallout 4 VR.

Description: Frick Brings the entire player body to life in VR! Inspired by Skyrim VR’s VRK, Frick aims to bring the same level of immersion as making your body visible in Fallout 4 VR. Full body inverse kinematics is implemented to actuate the arms and legs based on your controller and HMD position.

This is quite a popular mod and the first thing you should do is install it. With good reason it has been downloaded nearly 150,000 times.


Fallout 4 VR FallUI HUD VR ModFallout 4 VR FallUI HUD VR Mod

Description: followui hood Improves in-world display for use with item sorters for Fallout 4 VR.

  • features
  • Add icon tag functionality to item name display in the world
  • Add icon tag functionality to quick-loot menu
  • Displays subtitles in FollowUI style for item names and quick loot menus
  • Format scrap components to display correctly in the visible area
  • Increases the display area available for world item name display, allowing more space for item names, icons, and subtitles.
  • Compatible with any item sorter

We all know that Bethesda games come with janky UI but still we like them. However, combine this with VR and they become useless. This clever mod redesigns them from the ground up and makes them VR-ready.

sim settlement 2

Fallout 4's Sim Settlement ModFallout 4's Sim Settlement Mod

Not a VR mod but a mod that will make your Fallout 3 experience better. sim settlement 2 With good reason it has received almost three million downloads. It completely reimagines large parts of the game and allows you to play it in a completely different way, managing your towns and settlements on a larger scale. Its remit is worth pages in itself, so check out the link and then download it, there’s no reason not to do so.

Virtual Holsters

Virtual Holsters Mod for Fallout 4 VRVirtual Holsters Mod for Fallout 4 VR

Description: Adds 7 virtual weapon holsters and a new weapon sheathing/equip system that aims to force the player to return a weapon to the holster for a more realistic approach before being able to equip another weapon. Was drawn.

Now it’s more VR than others. Virtual Holsters We can actually fire weapons in a firefight, which adds to the immersion significantly. You get seven new slots and when your controls get close to the holster you get a little sound letting you know you’re close. Clever stuff.

junk object remover

object removerobject remover

Description: Safely removes unimportant objects to improve performance without visual loss.

While the gods may tell you there’s no such thing unimportant thing They have coding, your PC and your GPU may tell you otherwise. Downloaded over 1.5 million times it works a treat in VR as it releases a touch of pressure on your PC leaving all the heavy lifting on your headset.

Be sure to check out all the other Fallout 4 VR mods while you’re browsing the Nexus.
