U.S. Department of State Exchange Programs in Support of the NATO Alliance – United States Department of State

In support of the 2024 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Summit in Washington, DC, and in celebration of NATO’s 75th anniversary, the U.S. Department of State has announced the launch of two International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) exchanges that will bring more than 40 current and emerging leaders from NATO Member States and aspiring countries to the United States to engage with Americans across the country on the objectives of the 2024 NATO Washington Summit.

Prior to the July 2024 NATO Washington Summit, 14 “NATO Young Leaders” will participate in the IVLP Exchange from July 1 to July 10, 2024, visiting New York, NY; Pensacola, Florida; and Washington, DC. Participants will interact with US counterparts on global youth perspectives on NATO, the impact of global security issues on local US communities, and public-private partnerships in transatlantic security. The program will also include special visits to the US Mission to the United Nations, the United States Military Academy West Point, and the National September 11 Memorial and Museum. The program aims to foster a diverse, multilateral network of transatlantic young leaders. At the conclusion of the program, participants will attend the NATO Public Forum in Washington, DC.

From October 21 to November 1, 2024, more than 30 public officials, academics, and security analysts from NATO Member States and aspiring countries will visit Washington, DC; Norfolk, Virginia; and Colorado Springs, CO, where they will conduct IVLP exchanges focused on NATO’s enduring legacy and the historical impact of the Alliance’s collective defense clause, Article 5. Participants will discuss with their U.S. counterparts the outcomes from the NATO 2024 Summit in Washington, DC, and strategies for countering military and nonmilitary threats posed by disinformation, cyber attacks, and other modern challenges.

For press inquiries, please contact the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at [email protected].
