UK’s autonomous vehicle legislation becomes law, paving the way for first driverless cars by 2026 | TechCrunch

The UK’s self-proclaimed “world-leading” rules for self-driving cars now officialAfter Automated Vehicles (AV) Act get Royal Assent – Any law must go through a final rubber stamp before it becomes law.

The government says fully self-driving vehicles could be on Britain’s roads within two years.

The Transport Secretary said: “While this does not remove people’s ability to drive themselves, our landmark legislation means that self-driving vehicles can be introduced on British roads by 2026, improving both safety and our economy. “There will be a real boost.” Mark Harper said in a statement.

Today’s news comes just weeks after the UK-based Wave raises over $1 billion Self-learning software systems for autonomous vehicles will continue to be developed from high-profile companies including SoftBank, Nvidia and Microsoft.

Like other countries, the UK Driverless cars are allowed on public roads For several years already, but strict regulations have been in place for companies wanting permission to try new technologies. But as the autonomous vehicle industry has evolved and prepared for prime-time, the need for a new legal framework has become clear.

while the initial The ground work went on for many years before thisUK formally proposes AV Act 2022 joint report Published by the law commissions of England, Wales and Scotland, it states that the advent of autonomous vehicles creates the need for a whole “new terminology, new legal actors and new regulatory schemes”. It said:

“The introduction of autonomous vehicles will have deep legal consequences… It requires new regulatory schemes and new actors (with new responsibilities and liabilities). We therefore recommend primary legislation – a new Automated Vehicles Act – to regulate automated vehicles on roads or in other public places in Great Britain.

Automated vehicles: joint report of the Law Commission of England and Wales and the Scottish Law Commission

Liability in the event of a self-driving car accident

The UK has been keen to position itself at the forefront of the autonomous vehicle revolution, funding a variety of safety-related AV projects and research programmes. The government has touted the potential safety benefits of self-driving cars in that they remove human error from the roads, although it acknowledges that accidents will still happen, as evidence shows. Report from America where self-driving cars Have to establish a strong foothold. Actually, California has emerged as a hotbed Also for the proposed AV regulation.

This is why liability is one of the main aspects of the new UK regulation – who will bear responsibility in the event of an accident? the UK Made this point clear by publishing a roadmap in 2022 Which states that its new law will make corporations liable for any accidents, “meaning that a human driver will not be liable for driving-related incidents while in control of the vehicle driving.”

Each approved self-driving vehicle will have a corresponding “authorized self-driving entity”, which often will not be the manufacturer, but may actually be the software developer or insurance company. And this unit will be responsible for the vehicle when the self-driving mode is activated.

The government will set up a vehicle approval system supported by a “fully independent incident investigation function”, with companies approved to operate under the new rules meeting “ongoing obligations” to ensure the safety of their vehicles. .
