United States Announces Additional Humanitarian Assistance to Palestinian Civilians in Gaza and the Region – United States Department of State

The United States will provide an additional $404 million in lifesaving humanitarian assistance to support Palestinian civilians in Gaza, the West Bank, and the region, bringing total U.S. assistance over the past eight months to more than $674 million. As the largest single country humanitarian donor to the Palestinian people, we recognize the urgent need for more assistance to reach civilians given the dire humanitarian conditions and call on all donors to support lifesaving operations for Palestinians in Gaza and the region.

This new funding will provide essential assistance to vulnerable Palestinians living in Gaza, the West Bank, and the region, including food, safe drinking water, health care, protection, education, shelter, and psychological support. The United States is committed to meeting the humanitarian needs of those affected by the crisis.

We urge other donors to contribute to the humanitarian response in Gaza and the region, provide assistance to people affected by the conflict, and work together to find a lasting solution to the crisis.
