Valorant executive producer responds to streamer’s harassment allegations

Riot Games’ executive producer for Valorant has posted about harassment in the game via social media. Anna Donlon took to social platform X to address concerns raised in the community after a prominent streamer received threats of physical violence. valiant Gaming session.

heroic executive speaks

In Post, Donlon said, “I’m sorry for not posting sooner, but please know that I haven’t missed a single word. “This has been uppermost in my (many of our minds) minds since yesterday.”

heroic news express reaction The post reads, “Just know that a lot of people really enjoy and love the game you and your team made. “Some people just want to feel safe and respected while doing this.”

The streamer in question was Taylor Morgan. He posted abusive language and threats on his X page amid a plea for support from Riot:

Donlon committed to acknowledging the seriousness of online harassment and abuse, but asked for time to collect her thoughts before taking necessary action.

She said, “It’s important to me that we take action first, so I didn’t want to tweet empty condolences until we really push the right buttons and make some necessary internal changes, while the onus is on us to do the hard work.” Here’s ours. I want to share some of my thoughts on the topic of player behavior in gaming at some point, but first I want to bring those thoughts together.

online harassment in gaming

Harassment and abuse in games is something that gaming developers have tried to eliminate using a number of methods. Temporary bans can be imposed and accounts can be shut down, but audio harassment is becoming increasingly difficult to detect and identify a particular account.

We reported that Activision used artificial intelligence (AI) to root out more than 2 million toxic voice chats Duty, Activision said of the historical figure: “Based on the Call of Duty Code of Conduct, over 2 million accounts have seen in-game enforcement for disruptive voice chat.”

It remains to be seen whether Valorant will implement a similar way of detecting and responding to threatening or abusive behavior, but we look forward to further action from Donlon and Riots on this topic, which they have publicly stated. Have said that they are serious.

image: riot Games,
