Why Meta is looking to the fediverse as the future for social media | TechCrunch

Meta’s move into the open social web, also known as the Fediverse, is surprising. Does Facebook boss see open protocols as the future? This will happen embrace the fadeverse only to turn it off, shifting people back to their proprietary platforms and destroying startup creation in the space? Will it bring its ad empire into the Fediverse, where clients like Mastodon and others remain ad-free today?

A possible answer can be gleaned from a conversation between two Meta employees working on the threads. menu CEO Mike McCue, whose Company joins Fediverse with ActivityPub supportThe protocol that powers Mastodon and others.

McCue’s on “Flipboard.Social” podcast, he spoke to two of the leaders who built the Threads experience, product management director Rachel Lambert and software engineer Peter Cottle. McCue raised questions and concerns shared by others working on Fediverse projects, including what Meta’s involvement means for this space, and whether Meta will eventually abandon Threads and Fediverse, leaving a destroyed ecosystem in its wake. Will become.

Lambert responded by pointing out that Meta has other open source efforts in the works, so “pulling the rug” over its diverse functions would come at a “very high cost” to the company, as it would be detrimental to the effort of building Meta. will be. Trust other open source communities.

For example, the company is releasing some of its work On large language models (LLM) as open source products, Like a llama.

Additionally, he believes Meta will be able to continue to build trust over time with those working in the Fediverse by releasing features and achieving milestones, as he recently demonstrated with the launch of the new Toggle Threads which lets users Publish their posts to the wider communityWhere they can be seen on Mastodon and other apps.

But more importantly, McCue (and we all) wanted to know: why is Meta associated with the Fediverse to begin with?

meta is today 3.24 billion people are using its social apps Daily, according to its Q1 2024 earnings. Does it really need a few million more?

Lambert indirectly answered this question by explaining the use case of threads as a place to have public conversations in real time. He suggested that joining Fediverse would help users find a wider audience than those they could reach on threads alone.

However, this is true only up to a point. While Fediverse is active and growing, Threads is already a leading app in this space. outside the threads’ Now 150 million monthly active usersThe wider fadeverse has just North of 10 million users. Top federated app Mastodon has fallen Below 1 million monthly Active users after threads are launched.

So if threads joining the Fediverse isn’t about vastly expanding the reach of creators, what is the purpose of the meta?

Comments from Meta employees point to a broader reason behind Meta’s move to Fediverse.

Bringing the Creator Economy to the Open Social Web

Image Credit: meta

Lambert suggests that, by joining Fediverse, creators on Threads have the opportunity to “give ownership to their audiences in ways that they are not able to own on other apps today.”

But it’s not just about account portability, it’s also about creators and their revenue streams potentially leaving the walled walls of Meta. If creators want to leave Meta for other social apps where they have a more direct relationship with fans, there are still some great options outside of TikTok and YouTube.

If those creators joined the Fediverse – perhaps to free themselves of Meta’s hold on their livelihood – Threads users would still benefit from their content. (Signal “hotel California,

Later in the podcast, Cottle detailed how this could play out at the protocol level, as well, if creators offer their followers the ability to pay for access to their content.

“You can imagine eventually expanding the protocol – like, ‘I want to support micropayments,’ or…like, ‘Hey, feel free to show me ads, if that supports you.’ It would be great to have a way for you to self-label or self-opt in,” Cottle said, casually. Whether Meta finds a way to cut out those micropayments or not. , it remains to be seen.

McCue took umbrage at the idea that FedEx users could become creators, where some of their content becomes available only to subscribers, similar to the way Patreon works. For example, Fediverse advocate and co-editor of ActivityPub ivan prodromo Created a paid Mastodon account (@[email protected]) which users can subscribe to for $5 per month to gain access. If it’s with paid content, others will definitely follow suit. Cottle agreed that the model could also work with Fediverse.

He additionally suggested that there are ways the association could monetize beyond donations, which often powers various efforts like Mastodon today. Cottle said one could also create Fediverse experiences for which consumers would pay, the way some Fediverse client apps are paid for today.

“The servers are not free to run. And ultimately, one needs to find a way to maintain the costs of the business,” he explained. Is Meta considering a paid federated experience, Launched as Medium,

Protocol level moderation services

The podcast provided another possible answer as to what Meta is working on in this area, with a suggestion that it could bring its moderation expertise to the ActivityPub protocol.

“A lot of the tools we have today to make people feel safe and feel like they’re able to personalize their experience are very blunt. So, you can block users… you can do server-level blocking overall, which is a really big action, but you’re missing some other tools there that are somewhat like a proportionate response. ,” Lambert explained.

Today, Fediverse users can’t do things like filter their followers or respond to offensive content or behavior. “It would be great for us to develop this into more of a standard at the protocol level,” he said.

Still, Lambert said that no matter what work Meta does, he wouldn’t expect everyone in the Fediverse to adopt his toolkit.

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Image Credit: self drive

“We have built our technology around a set of policies, and our policies are informed by many different inputs from civil rights groups, policy stakeholders, and generally our company values. So we certainly wouldn’t want to assume that it’s now the standard within the Fediverse to moderate, but making those tools more available so that people have that option seems to be a really compelling path from our perspective. Is.

Meta’s plan also sounds a lot like Bluesky’s idea Stackable Moderation Serviceswhere third parties Can provide moderation services Either as independent projects from individuals or communities or even as paid subscription products on top of BlueSky.

Perhaps Meta also sees a future where its existing moderation capabilities will become a subscription revenue product on the wide open social web.

Finally, Lambert described a diverse user experience where you can more easily follow the conversation around a post across multiple servers.

“I think the combination of tools that allow you to personalize that experience…will help people feel more safe and in control,” she said.
