Yes, This Phase of Your Cycle Matters—Even if You’re Not Trying to Get Pregnant

Increase in libido. Increased energy. Amplified life force. Elevated mood. Better focus. the list goes on! Welcome to your ovulatory phase. If the ovulation bell doesn’t ring, don’t worry. majority of menstruating women Not familiar with it. For more reasons than one, this cycle phase remains a mystery – an often overlooked topic (and experience). With that in mind, we’re here to empower. Consider this comprehensive guide your 411 on the ovulatory phase: when it happens, why it’s important, signs you’re ovulating, and much more. No matter what your fertility goals are, healthy ovulation matters.

eddie horstmann

Eddy is the founder of the nutrition coaching business, Wellness with Eddy. With her background and expertise, she is an expert in women’s health including fertility, hormone balance and postpartum wellness.

A Menstrual Cycle Recap

you wish get along Along with your cycle, if you’re afraid of your period, or are unfamiliar with your flow, take a notepad. At least every cisgender woman should understand menstruation The Basics At its core, the menstrual cycle is a complex, rhythmic process. It involves a series of hormonal changes and physiological events that prepare the body for conception. The cycle typically lasts about 28 days (but variations are common). follicular phase gets things started, luteal phase Closes the loop, and ovulation occurs smack dab in the middle.

follicular phase

The follicular phase begins when bleeding begins. This is the first day of menstruation. This phase lasts until ovulation. During this stage – approximately 14–18 days – follicles develop in the ovaries, each containing an egg. estrogen preparation increases possible pregnancy,

luteal phase

The luteal phase occurs after ovulation and lasts until the beginning of your next menstrual period. After ovulation, progesterone increases. If pregnancy is in the cards, progesterone remains high. If not, it drops rapidly and bleeding begins again.

Woman journaling on the couch.

When does the ovulatory phase occur?

This is approximately half the time of the menstrual cycle – approximately days 12–16 (of a 28-day cycle). Some women may ovulate as early as day 7, and others may ovulate as late as day 21. It depends entirely on her overall cycle length! During this phase, an ovary releases a mature egg, marking peak fertility. If you are trying conceiveOvulation is a critical window for sperm to fertilize the released egg.

Why is the ovarian phase ignored?

For starters, menstruation takes the spotlight. This is the most visible (and often, painful) part of the cycle. On the other hand, ovulation is subtle in nature. there are not important outgoing Change—unless you’re curious tracking changes in your body, Last but not least, it is associated with the beginning and end of the menstrual cycle. Thus, the ovarian phase is easily overlooked. But spoiler alert: Ovulation is much more than a precursor to conception.

Woman in bedroom.

What happens if you don’t ovulate?

Its with you anovulatory cycle, It describes the menstrual cycle Without Ovulation (yes, this can happen!). Unfortunately, this has a bunch of short-term and long-term implications:

short term results

  • Irregularity of menstruation. leads to anovulation missed period or unexpected bleeding patterns.
  • Difficulty conceiving. Without ovulation, conception cannot occur (causing infertility or difficulty getting pregnant).

long term results

  • Infertility. If left untreated, chronic anovulation can be long-term. infertility,
  • polycystic ovary syndrome. Anovulation is a key feature of PCOS, a hormonal disorder with long-term health complications.
  • hormonal imbalance. Over time, lack of ovulation contributes to persistent hormonal imbalance, leading to symptoms such as irregular menstruation, acne, hirsutism (excessive hair growth) and mood disturbances.
  • Bone health problems. Estrogen plays an important role in maintaining bone density, Prolonged anovulation (and low estrogen levels) can increase the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures.
  • increased risk of endometrial hyperplasia And cancer. Without regular removal of the uterine lining, the endometrium (lining of the uterus) thickens, increasing the risk of endometrial hyperplasia and, in some cases, endometrial cancer.
women in colorful clothes

How long does ovulation last?

Ovulation usually lasts for about 12-24 hours. However, the fertile window, which includes the days before and immediately after ovulation – can last upwards of six days. This is because sperm can survive for several days in the female reproductive tract waiting for the egg to be released.

How to know if you are ovulating

There are some clear signs that you are ovulating. as mentioned, tracking changes in your body This is a great way to do this. Otherwise, your healthcare provider can confirm through a day-21 progesterone test. By measuring your progesterone levels when they are expected to peak (seven or so days before your period), you will know whether you have ovulated. Gore aside, these are the common symptoms:

physical characteristics

  1. Increase in basal body temperature. arise in basal body temperature Caused by an increase in progesterone after ovulation. Tracking basal body temperature can help detect ovulation.
  2. Changes in cervical mucus. Cervical mucus becomes thin, clear, and slippery, resembling egg white. This cervical fluid promotes sperm survival and facilitates fertilization.
  3. Increased libido. You’re likely to experience an increase in sexual desire during the ovulatory phase, which is driven by hormonal changes that promote fertility.
  4. Ovulation pain. Some women may experience mild discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen during ovulation, known as mittelschmerz. If you do this, it’s normal!
  5. Positive ovulation test. Ovulation predictor kits can detect a rise in luteinizing hormone (LH), which signals impending ovulation.

mental characteristics

  1. Increased energy and vitality. You may feel more energetic and lively during the ovulatory phase due to hormonal changes.
  2. Elevated mood. This phase’s increase in estrogen has a positive effect on mood.
  3. Better cognitive function. Some? studies There are suggestions that hormonal fluctuations during the ovarian phase enhance cognitive abilities such as memory and spatial awareness.
Woman sitting on bed in nightgown.

Supporting a healthy ovulatory phase

Below are tried-and-true tips for nourishing this phase of your menstrual cycle.

Eat keeping ovulation in mind

Focus as soon as your period ends proteinColleen, AntioxidantAnd Omega-3 Fatty Acid, These nutrients play a role in supporting healthy follicles. And for general hormone health, don’t skimp on fiber-forward Material.

Increase your workout

Due to peak levels of estrogen, you’ve got energy to burn during ovulation. If there’s ever a time to push yourself, this is it! Take advantage of moderate to high intensity workouts—HIIT classes, fast walking, heavy weights, etc.

connect with your people

Marked by increased energy and elevated mood, this phase is an excellent time for socializing, connecting, and networking. schedule social events, parties, or hanging out with friends. Additionally, the increased amount of estrogen in your body may create an ideal window to request that you’ve been too hesitant to ask for a boost.

get quality sleep

As always, sleep is important for hormonal regulation. Aim for 7-9 hours quality sleep To support overall reproductive health.

Sweet Potato Chickpea Bowl.

Foods to eat during ovulation

When it comes to getting in sync with your chakraThe power of nutrition cannot be overstated. During your ovulatory phase, focus on the following:

  • leafy greens. spinachKale, Swiss chard, etc. They are rich in folate, supporting ovulation and fertility.
  • Fatty fish. mackerel, sardines, salmonAnd trout are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which help regulate hormones and reduce inflammation.
  • Avocado. Avocados are rich in healthy fats, including monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids. we love to nosh on Avocado Toast with Kale Pesto During ovulation!
  • Jamun. All Jamun Are rich in antioxidants essential for a healthy ovulatory phase.
  • Eggs. are not high quality eggs A convenient source of protein, but they also contain essential nutrients – like choline and vitamin D – for fertility and hormone production.
  • beans. Lentils, chickpeas, black beans and other legumes are rich in protein, fiber and iron. these are amazing blood sugar balance,
  • nuts and seeds. Almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, chia seedsAnd pumpkin seeds are rich in healthy fats, proteins, and nutrients essential for ovulation and fertility.
Women cheering outside around the fire pit_ovulatory phase

I’m not trying to conceive—does ovulation matter?

Yes. Knowing when you ovulate and for how long is important to achieving both And Avoiding pregnancy. Most importantly, irregularities in ovulation can be a sign of hormonal imbalance or underlying health problems. Thinking: polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or thyroid disorders.

Myth or fact, ovulation version

To wrap things up, let’s test your knowledge.

  1. myth: Ovulation only matters if you are trying to get pregnant. Reality: While ovulation is essential for conception, it also plays an important role in overall health, including hormonal balance, mood regulation, and bone health.
  2. myth: Ovulation is always accompanied by noticeable symptoms. Reality: While some women experience physical symptoms — like changes in cervical mucus or mild pelvic discomfort — not everyone experiences direct symptoms of ovulation.,
  3. myth: Skipping ovulation occasionally will not affect your menstrual cycle. Reality: Consistently skipping ovulation due to hormonal imbalance or other factors disrupts the menstrual cycle. This can easily lead to long-term health problems, including irregular menstruation and fertility problems.
  4. myth: Hormonal birth control eliminates the need to ovulate. Reality: While hormonal birth control generally suppresses ovulation, this does not negate the importance of ovulation to overall health.
  5. myth: Ovulation is a brief event of the menstrual cycle. Reality: Ovulation represents an important stage in the menstrual cycle, marked by hormonal surges and physiological changes.
  6. myth: Menstruation is the most important aspect of the menstrual cycle. Reality: Each stage, including ovulation, makes specific contributions to women’s reproductive and overall health.
  7. myth: Ovulation matters only to women who want to have children. Reality: Ovulation affects various aspects of women’s health beyond reproduction, including bone density, heart health and cognitive function. Regardless of pregnancy intentions, supporting ovulation is essential for overall well-being.
