ChatGPT’s ‘hallucination’ issue hit with privacy complaint

OpenAI has faced another complaint, with advocacy group NOYB accusing it of failing to correct misinformation disseminated by its AI chatbot. chatgptpotentially infringing EU Privacy Rules,

According to reutersNOYB reported that the complainant in their case, a public figure, inquired about his birthday through ChatGPT, but repeatedly received incorrect information instead of being informed by the chatbot that it lacked the required data.

The group also said the Microsoft-backed firm rejected the complainant’s request to correct or delete the data, claiming that data correction was not possible, and no details regarding the processed data, its sources or its recipients. Failed to provide.

NOYB reported that it had issued a complaint with the Austrian data protection authority, urging an investigation into OpenAI’s data processing practices and the steps taken to guarantee the accuracy of personal data managed by the company’s detailed language models.

NOYB data protection lawyer Maartje de Graaf said in a statement: “It is clear that companies are currently unable to make chatbots like ChatGPT comply with EU law when processing data about individuals.

“If a system cannot produce accurate and transparent results, it cannot be used to generate data about individuals. Technology must comply with legal requirements, not the other way around,” she said.

last, OpenAI has acknowledged that ChatGPT “Sometimes writes reliable but incorrect or nonsensical answers.” However, it has said that it is attempting to fix this “challenging” issue.

How ‘illusive’ chatbots could affect GDPR rules

Some first examples of “Hallucinations” of chatbots. Was reported in April 2023. This phenomenon occurs when chatbots and/or people see something that isn’t there. However, it also puts the technology on a potential collision course with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)Which regulates the processing of personal data for users in the region.

For particularly serious violations, companies could be fined up to 20 million euros or 4 percent of their total global turnover for the previous financial year, whichever is greater. Data protection authorities also have the power to force changes to the way information is processed, meaning the GDPR could modify how generic AI operates within the EU.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT was also accused in January Violation of privacy rules by an Italian regulator A follow-up to an investigation last year that included a summary ban on the application.

Featured Image: Canva
