Senior Official for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) Pak’s Meeting with Republic of Korea (ROK) and Japan Counterparts – United States Department of State

Senior DPRK official Dr. Jang Pak met with Namazu Hiroyuki, Director General of Asian and Oceanic Affairs of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Lee Jun-il, Director General of North Korean Nuclear Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea, in Tokyo on May 9.

The three sides underlined their continued resolve in the face of serious security threats posed by the DPRK’s provocations, unlawful weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs, and deepening military cooperation with Russia. They underlined the importance of maintaining close trilateral cooperation in countering these threats, promoting peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, and resuming dialogue and diplomacy with the DPRK. The three sides also underlined the value of cooperation in addressing the many human rights and humanitarian challenges posed by the DPRK, including protection for North Korean asylum seekers and the need to urgently address the issues of abductions, detainees, and unrepatriated prisoners of war. ,
