World Press Freedom Day – United States Department of State

Every year on World Press Freedom Day, the world celebrates the importance of journalism and recognizes the integral role of vibrant, independent media in democratic societies. Transparent, accountable and inclusive governance requires the free flow of accurate information, ideas and opinions, including dissent.

In their pursuit of the truth, journalists face unprecedented danger in doing their jobs. More journalists were killed in 2023 than any year in recent memory. Authoritarian governments and non-state actors continue to use disinformation and propaganda to undermine social discourse and hinder journalists’ efforts to inform the public, hold governments accountable, and bring the truth to light. Governments that fear truthful reporting have proven willing to target individual journalists, including through misuse of commercial spyware and other surveillance technologies. On World Press Freedom Day, we call on every nation to do more to protect journalists, and we reiterate our unwavering support for free and independent media around the world.
